

Blog of Signaling Pathways

Lithium affects the circadian clock in the choroid plexus - A new role for an old mechanism

147 views | Feb 14 2023

Lithium affects the circadian clock in the choroid plexus of the ventricle barrier complex, influencing brain function and potentially improving it in psychiatric patients by aligning the clock with the sleep-wake cycle, with potential for personalized timing of treatment. [Read the Full Post]

A meta-analysis of the efficacy and toxicity of tyrosine kinase inhibitors in treating patients with different types of thyroid cancer: how to choose drugs appropriately?

104 views | Feb 14 2023

TKI treatment significantly improves progression-free survival, overall survival, and objective response rate in different types of refractory thyroid cancer, but with higher adverse events compared to control, and appropriate TKI selection with AE management is recommended. [Read the Full Post]

Camptothecin analogs in malignant gliomas: comparative analysis and characterization

228 views | Feb 14 2023

The authors compared and characterized several new classes of camptothecin analogs and found that 10,11-methylenedioxy class consistently demonstrated the greatest cytotoxicity and hold promise for more effective local antitumor treatments against malignant intracranial brain tumors. [Read the Full Post]

Population pharmacokinetic analysis of TQ-B3203 following intravenous administration of TQ-B3203 liposome injection in Chinese patients with advanced solid tumors

396 views | Feb 14 2023

A population pharmacokinetic model was successfully developed for TQ-B3203, a novel topoisomerase I inhibitor, in Chinese patients with advanced solid tumors and showed that body mass index, lean body weight, and direct bilirubin were significant covariates that affected TQ-B3203 pharmacokinetics. [Read the Full Post]

Celastrol suppresses colorectal cancer via covalent targeting peroxiredoxin 1

186 views | Feb 14 2023

A text-mining-based web-server tool was used to identify peroxiredoxin 1 (PRDX1) as the ROS-manipulating target of Celastrol, a natural product isolated from the plant Thunder God Vine, and the anti-tumor efficacy of Celastrol was reduced in colorectal cancer cells by inhibiting PRDX1, and a new derivative compound 19-048 with improved potency against PRDX1 was synthesized. [Read the Full Post]

Anti-inflammatory effects of first-line anti-arthritic drugs on T-cell activation

140 views | Feb 13 2023

Anti-arthritic drugs can inhibit pro-inflammatory cytokines and potentially stimulate a Th2 response to inhibit the progression of the immune response, as seen in the study examining their in vitro effects on early stages of T-cell activation. [Read the Full Post]

Inhibitors of One or More Cellular Aurora Kinases Impair the Replication of Herpes Simplex Virus 1 and Other DNA and RNA Viruses with Diverse Genomes and Life Cycles

174 views | Feb 13 2023

Aurora kinase inhibitors were identified through a high-throughput cell-based assay as potent inhibitors of herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) gene expression and replication, as well as reducing replication of other RNA and DNA viruses including vaccinia virus and mouse hepatitis virus, demonstrating that aurora kinases play a pivotal role in the life cycles of diverse viruses. [Read the Full Post]

A systematic review and meta-analysis on overall survival, failure-free survival and safety outcomes in patients with metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer treated with new anti-androgens

175 views | Feb 13 2023

The use of antiandrogens (abiraterone, apalutamide, darolutamide, or enzalutamide) in combination with androgen-deprivation therapy (ADT) improves overall survival and failure-free survival in hormone-sensitive metastatic prostate cancer, but causes an increase in treatment-related adverse events. [Read the Full Post]

Overview of Cochrane Systematic Reviews of rehabilitation interventions for persons with rheumatoid arthritis: a mapping synthesis

135 views | Feb 13 2023

This paper provides an overview of Cochrane Systematic Reviews on the effectiveness of rehabilitation interventions for rheumatoid arthritis, including physical activity and exercises, psychosocial interventions, and pharmacological agents, with physical activity and exercises being effective for some outcomes and pharmacological agent celecoxib having similar pain relief effects with fewer adverse events compared to traditional NSAIDs, but inconclusive results for some interventions due to low quality of evidence. [Read the Full Post]

Efficacy of Kampo medicine Kakkonto as acute medication to treat tension-type headache among musculoskeletal pain patients using regular analgesics

162 views | Feb 13 2023

Kakkonto showed efficacy as an acute medication for Tension-Type Headache with comorbidities, as it improved the pain score without any side effects in a small study of 10 patients with various painful comorbidities who had taken other analgesics. [Read the Full Post]

Effect of Gubenyiliu formula II and its disassembled prescriptions on cell autophagy in breast cancer through PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway

486 views | Feb 12 2023

This study confirmed that GYII can effectively treat breast cancer by inhibiting the PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway-mediated autophagy, while QX and FZ have different effects on tumor growth and metastasis. [Read the Full Post]

Specific gene module pair-based target identification and drug discovery

646 views | Feb 12 2023

A novel method called "gene module pair-based target identification (GMPTI)" was developed to predict the targets of new compounds using consensus gene modules extracted from transcriptional profiles induced by perturbagens of known targets, resulting in the discovery of novel inhibitors for three PI3K pathway proteins. [Read the Full Post]

Successful Treatment of Patient With Ewing Sarcoma in the Setting of Inherited Cholestatic Liver Disease

197 views | Feb 12 2023

Treatment of Ewing sarcoma in a patient with PFIC1 presents a challenge due to the reliance of standard chemotherapy on intact hepatic metabolism, which results in prolonged lymphopenia and severe infectious complications in this patient. [Read the Full Post]

Effect of hyperthermia alone and in combination with anticancer drugs on the viability of P388 leukemic cells

197 views | Feb 12 2023

Local tumor hyperthermia (42°C) for 1 hour with antineoplastic drugs Adriamycin, Vincristine, or 5-Fluorouracil showed synergistic cell killing action against P388 murine lymphocytic leukemia cells in vitro, while Cyclophosphamide and Cytosine Arabinoside did not show enhanced therapeutic effects. [Read the Full Post]

[TRANSLATED ARTICLE] Biological and immunosuppressive medications in pregnancy, breastfeeding and fertility in immune mediated diseases

215 views | Feb 12 2023

The objective of this review was to gather available evidence on drugs used in immune-mediated inflammatory diseases during pregnancy and lactation, their impact on fertility, and to provide advice on family planning based on analyzed studies until April 2020. [Read the Full Post]

Zearalenone and its metabolite exposure directs oestrogen metabolism towards potentially carcinogenic metabolites in human breast cancer MCF-7 cells

264 views | Feb 11 2023

Mycoestrogens increase the production of CYP1B1-mediated oestrogen catechol metabolites, directing the biotransformation of E2 towards 4-OHE2, a crucial factor in oestrogen-induced tumour initiation. [Read the Full Post]

Variations in Incidence of Trigger Finger and Response to Corticosteroid Injection after Aromatase Inhibitor Therapy for Breast Cancer

124 views | Feb 11 2023

Patients receiving aromatase inhibitors for breast cancer have a higher incidence of trigger finger, with those switching regimens due to musculoskeletal symptoms and poorly controlled diabetics being more likely to fail steroid treatment. [Read the Full Post]

Evaluation of The Effect of Letrozole in the Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome Prevention in Participants at Risk of Treatment with Ovulation-Stimulating Drugs:A Randomized Controlled Trial

153 views | Feb 11 2023

The results of this study showed that administering Letrozole with a GnRH antagonist protocol in PCOS cases undergoing IVF reduced the incidence of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, but had no significant effect on oocyte retrieval, implantation, or pregnancy rates. [Read the Full Post]

Survival in a consecutive series of 467 glioblastoma patients: Association with prognostic factors and treatment at recurrence at two independent institutions

132 views | Feb 11 2023

A study of 467 recurrent glioblastoma patients in Norway found that age, promoter methylation of MGMT, tumour location, and extent of resection at primary diagnosis were independent prognostic factors, while 60 Gray radiotherapy with concomitant and adjuvant temozolomide at primary diagnosis, gamma knife/stereotactic radiosurgery at first recurrence, and combination chemotherapy with or without bevacizumab at second recurrence were treatments associated with superior survival. [Read the Full Post]

Does PARP Inhibition Sensitize Chondrosarcoma Cell Lines to Chemotherapy or Radiotherapy? Results From a Three-dimensional Spheroid Cell Model

278 views | Feb 11 2023

This study shows that long-term talazoparib treatment, a PARP inhibitor, effectively reduced the viability of three representative chondrosarcoma cell lines grown as spheroids, and the combination of talazoparib and temozolomide had a higher chance of success than combination with radiotherapy. [Read the Full Post]