

Mechanosensitive Channel

Dual action of Dooku1 on PIEZO1 channel in human red blood cells

118 views | Dec 04 2023

In the context of Red Blood Cells (RBCs), Dooku1, previously considered a PIEZO1 antagonist, was found to behave as a lower-potency agonist, triggering calcium entry and activating PIEZO1 channels, highlighting the complex pharmacological interactions specific to RBC membranes. [Read the Full Post]

Pharmacological activation of PIEZO1 in human red blood cells prevents Plasmodium falciparum invasion

118 views | May 11 2023

Pharmacological activation of the PIEZO1 channel using Yoda1 and Jedi2 induces echinocytosis, altering the shape and surface area of red blood cells, which prevents efficient invasion by Plasmodium falciparum, providing a potential therapeutic target for malaria prevention. [Read the Full Post]