


Sensitive fluorescence ELISA for the detection of zearalenone based on self-assembly DNA nanocomposites and copper nanoclusters

211 views | Feb 05 2024

An enzyme nanocomposite-based fluorescence ELISA method was developed, exhibiting a significantly lower limit of detection (0.26 ng mL-1) for Zearalenone in food samples compared to traditional ELISA, with high accuracy, selectivity, and potential for enhancing trace detection in ensuring food safety. [Read the Full Post]

Improving the quality of multi-layer films based on furcellaran by immobilising active ingredients and impact assessment of the use of a new packaging material

134 views | Nov 02 2023

The study developed multi-layer films incorporating furcellaran and active ingredients, which showed improved water properties, inhibited microbial growth, but had limited effects on lipid oxidation, thus exhibiting potential as active packaging materials for extending the shelf-life of fish products. [Read the Full Post]

Vitamin C promoted refractory organic contaminant elimination in the zero-valent iron/peracetic acid system: Efficiency, mechanism and effects of various parameters

275 views | Apr 16 2023

This study proposes using vitamin C as a reducing agent to enhance the performance of the conventional ZVI/PAA system for the degradation of contaminants in water, leading to improved removal efficiency and potential for achieving a cleaner water environment. [Read the Full Post]

Clinical effect of intravenous calcitriol administration on secondary hyperparathyroidism. A double-blind study among 4 doses

165 views | Feb 22 2023

The study determined the appropriate initial dose of intravenous calcitriol for reducing PTH levels in patients with uremic secondary hyperparathyroidism (2HPT) to be 1 microg per dialysis session, with a clear dose-dependent effect seen on PTH reduction. [Read the Full Post]

Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 Exacerbates Cardiac Fibrosis in Deoxycorticosterone Acetate-Salt Mice With Hypertension

145 views | Feb 21 2023

Continuous intravenous administration of fibroblast growth factor 23 in a mouse model with mild chronic kidney disease and hypertension leads to heart failure with preserved ejection fraction, exacerbated myocardial fibrosis, and a decrease in Cyp27b1 expression, which is mitigated by calcitriol treatment that improves diastolic function via inhibiting transforming growth factor-β signaling, independently of the levels of FGF23. [Read the Full Post]

Histochemical examination of the effects of high-dose 1,25(OH)2D3 on bone remodeling in young growing rats

982 views | Feb 13 2018

Sun J et al. suggested that long-term use of physiologically-high dose calcitriol may result in bone loss through RANKL/RANK/osteoprotegerin and EphrinB2-EphB4 signaling pathways, and that these negative effects could continue after drug withdrawal. Therefore, optimal limits for vitamin D administration need to be established for children and adolescents. [Read the Full Post]