


GPER1 contributes to T3-induced osteogenesis by mediating glycolysis in osteoblast precursors

267 views | Dec 13 2023

T3 promotes osteogenesis in MC3T3-E1 cells by enhancing GPER1-mediated glycolysis, as evidenced by increased osteogenic activities, which are reversed by GPER1 inhibition and glycolysis blockade. [Read the Full Post]

PFKFB3 Increases IL-1 β and TNF- α in Intestinal Epithelial Cells to Promote Tumorigenesis in Colitis-Associated Colorectal Cancer

326 views | Dec 07 2023

Elevated expression of PFKFB3 in colitis-associated colorectal cancer promotes tumorigenesis by inducing phospho-p65 and the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1β and TNF-α, highlighting PFKFB3 as a potential therapeutic target. [Read the Full Post]

Vaccines prevent reinduction of rheumatoid arthritis symptoms in collagen-induced arthritis mouse model

436 views | Jun 02 2023

This study suggests that immune metabolic modulators such as paKG(PFK15 + bc2) microparticles may be a promising alternative or complementary treatment option for RA and paves the way for the development of flare-up mouse models and antigen-specific drug treatments. [Read the Full Post]