


Novel Allosteric Effectors Targeting Human Transcription Factor TEAD

281 views | Oct 15 2023

Chemical modifications of inhibitors targeting the palmitate-binding pocket in TEAD1-4 proteins have led to the discovery of allosteric inhibitors that enhance communication between TEAD4 and YAP1 domains, offering potential therapeutic strategies for solid tumors. [Read the Full Post]

β-catenin ameliorates myocardial infarction by preventing YAP-associated apoptosis

470 views | Aug 18 2023

The study demonstrated that upregulation of β-catenin in myocardial infarction (MI) reduces cardiac tissue damage and cardiomyocyte apoptosis, and this effect is mediated, at least in part, through the reactivation of Yes-Associated Protein (YAP). [Read the Full Post]

Activation of skeletal muscle FAPs by LPA requires the Hippo signaling via the FAK pathway

313 views | Aug 11 2023

Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) activates fibro/adipogenic progenitors (FAPs) in skeletal muscle by signaling through LPA1, promoting FAK phosphorylation and subsequent activation of the Hippo pathway. [Read the Full Post]

Hypoxia-induced YAP activation and focal adhesion turnover to promote cell migration in mesenchymal TNBC cells

487 views | Mar 08 2023

The study suggests that hypoxia-induced YAP activation is positively associated with mesenchymal TNBC cell migration and may be a novel factor responsible for promoting the aggressive behavior of TNBC cells under hypoxic conditions. [Read the Full Post]

Theta dominates cross-frequency coupling in hippocampal-medial entorhinal circuit during awake-behavior in rats

257 views | Nov 26 2022

Yuchen Zhou et al. found that theta is the dominant frequency of cross-frequency coupling between the MEC and hippocampus, with hippocampal gamma largely independent of entorhinal gamma. [Read the Full Post]

Inhibitory Effect of Hemiscorpius lepturus Scorpion Venom Fractions on Tachyzoites of Toxoplasma gondii

211 views | Sep 02 2022

Lida Khaleghi Rostamkolaie et al. found that the scorpion venom-purified fractions possessed anti-parasitic activity against the tachyzoite of T. gondii and could be used in parasite-controlling studies. [Read the Full Post]

CK2-induced cooperation of HHEX with the YAP-TEAD4 complex promotes colorectal tumorigenesis

321 views | Sep 01 2022

Yuegui Guo et al. identified HHEX as a positive modulator of YAP/TEAD to promote colorectal tumorigenesis, providing a new therapeutic strategy for targeting YAP/TEAD in CRC. [Read the Full Post]

Design, Synthesis, and Antitumor Activity of Erlotinib Derivatives

735 views | May 08 2022

Long-Fei Mao et al. suggested that compound 3d suppressed cancer cell proliferation through the EGFR-TK pathway. [Read the Full Post]

Combination of Ocimum sanctum extract and Levetiracetam ameliorates cognitive dysfunction and hippocampal architecture in rat model of Alzheimer's disease

888 views | Jan 03 2022

H S Nandini et al. provided evidence for use of OSE, LEV and OSE+LEV against AD and epilepsy associated with AD in Aβ induced AD animal model. [Read the Full Post]

In silico evaluation of the downstream effect of mutated glucagon is consistent with higher blood glucose homeostasis in Galliformes and Strigiformes

489 views | Oct 11 2021

Karim Mahnam et al. suggested this mutation, which leaded to stronger binding affinity of mutated glucagon to its receptor, might be a driving force for higher blood glucose homeostasis in the related birds. [Read the Full Post]