


Regulation of Photosensitivity by the Hippo Pathway in Lupus Skin

193 views | Jan 25 2024

Enhanced UVB-induced apoptosis in SLE keratinocytes is driven by overactive Hippo signaling, characterized by hypomethylation-induced WWC1 overexpression, leading to altered YAP activity and promoting cell death. [Read the Full Post]

Small molecule LATS kinase inhibitors block the Hippo signaling pathway and promote cell growth under 3D culture conditions

128 views | Nov 09 2023

The study identified GA-017, a small molecule inhibitor of large tumor suppressor kinases, which promotes cell proliferation in 3D culture systems by stabilizing and translocating key effectors of the Hippo signaling pathway, offering promising prospects for enhancing the efficiency of 3D cell culture and organoid expansion. [Read the Full Post]