


Lysosomes, caspase-mediated apoptosis, and cytoplasmic activation of P21, but not cell senescence, participate in a redundant fashion in embryonic morphogenetic cell death

191 views | Jan 27 2024

This study employing micromass cultures reveals a complex interplay of apoptotic events and cellular changes during tissue remodeling, challenging the conventional association of SA-β-Gal positivity with cell senescence in developmental processes. [Read the Full Post]

Exosomal EIF5A derived from Lewis lung carcinoma induced adipocyte wasting in cancer cachexia

662 views | Dec 11 2023

The study reveals that exosomal EIF5A derived from Lewis lung carcinoma cells induces adipocyte lipolysis in cancer cachexia by binding with GPBAR1 mRNA, activating the CREB signaling pathway, implicating EIF5A as a potential therapeutic target. [Read the Full Post]

Construction and validation of a cuproptosis-related lncRNA signature as a novel and robust prognostic model for colon adenocarcinoma

370 views | Jan 14 2023

Miaorong Xu et al. thought that a ten-cuproptosis-related lncRNA signature was constructed that provided promising insights into personalized prognosis and drug selection among COAD patients. [Read the Full Post]

Pharmacologic screen identifies active combinations with BET inhibitors and LRRK2 as a novel putative target in lymphoma

424 views | Jan 13 2023

Filippo Spriano et al. identified combinations that could improve the response to BET inhibitors in lymphomas. [Read the Full Post]