


An Oncogenic ALK Fusion and an RRAS Mutation in KRAS Mutation-Negative Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma

0 views | Feb 09 2019

Shimada Y et al. found that rare oncogenic aberrations, such as the ALK fusion and RRAS mutation, may drive pancreatic carcinogenesis independent of the KRAS mutation. [Read the Full Post]

Resistance to nanoparticle albumin-bound paclitaxel is mediated by ABCB1 in urothelial cancer cells

673 views | Feb 09 2019

Vallo S et al. suggested that the overexpression of ABCB1 confers resistance to nab-paclitaxel in urothelial cancer cells. Additionally, small molecules may overcome resistance to anticancer drugs that are substrates of ABCB1. [Read the Full Post]

MET Exon 14 Skipping Mutations in Lung Adenocarcinoma: Clinicopathologic Implications and Prognostic Values

639 views | Feb 08 2019

Lee GD et al. found that the prognosis of patients with METex14 skipping was similar to that of patients with major driver mutations. siRNA targeting the junction of METex14 skipping could inhibit MET-driven signaling pathways in cells with METex14 skipping. [Read the Full Post]

Expression and function of MutT homolog 1 in distinct subtypes of breast cancer

833 views | Jan 29 2019

Treatment with the MTH1 inhibitor appears to be safe; however, further studies are required prior to the clinical use of MTH1 inhibitors. [Read the Full Post]

Modification of tumour cell metabolism modulates sensitivity to Chk1 inhibitor-induced DNA damage

804 views | Oct 05 2018

Massey AJ suggested the expression and activation of Chk1 kinase is associated with cells undergoing active DNA replication. Glutamine starvation rendered tumour cells more resistant to Chk1 inhibitor-induced DNA damage and reversal of the glutamine starvation restored the sensitivity of tumour cells to Chk1 inhibitor-induced DNA damage. Chk1 inhibitors may be a potentially useful therapeutic treatment for patients whose tumours contain a high fraction of replicating cells. [Read the Full Post]

Investigation of MTH1 activity via mismatch-based DNA chain elongation

991 views | Jun 26 2018

As the method is designed directly towards the cellular function of MTH1, activity of MTH1 in different breast cancer cell lines has been detected, implying the potential application of this assay method for biomedical research and clinical diagnose in the future. [Read the Full Post]