

Blog of Signaling Pathways

Narumiya, S., M. Tanji, et al. (2009). "Rho signaling, ROCK and mDia1, in transformation, metastasis and invasion." Cancer Metastasis Rev 28(1-2): 65-76.

5745 views | Jun 7 2011

This review summaries the Rho signaling in transformation, metastasis and invasion. It explains the relationship between Rho signaling and tumor cells, and it gives the perspectives in this review. [Read the Full Post]

Chen, L. S., S. Redkar, et al. (2009). "Pim kinase inhibitor, SGI-1776, induces apoptosis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells." Blood 114(19): 4150-4157.

4818 views | Jun 6 2011

Consistent with a decline in new RNA synthesis, MCL-1 transcript levels were decreased after treatment with SGI-1776. These data suggest that SGI-1776 induces apoptosis in CLL and that the mechanism involves Mcl-1 reduction. [Read the Full Post]

Jiang, B. H. and L. Z. Liu (2008). "PI3K/PTEN signaling in tumorigenesis and angiogenesis." Biochim Biophys Acta 1784(1): 150-158.

2395 views | Jun 5 2011

This review give the introduction of PI3K pathway and PI3k inhibitors for cancer research. [Read the Full Post]

Kruse, J. P. and W. Gu (2009). "Modes of p53 regulation." Cell 137(4): 609-622.

3839 views | Jun 4 2011

This article which was published in CELL gives us a overview of p53 regulation. It give a introduction of the Classical Model of p53 regulation, Mdm2 Regulation, promoter-Specific Activation, p53 Transcriptional Activation. We can get detail information for p53 regulation from this article. [Read the Full Post]

Sarli, V. and A. Giannis (2008). "Targeting the kinesin spindle protein: basic principles and clinical implications." Clin Cancer Res 14(23): 7583-7587.

3990 views | Jun 2 2011

This review describles the function of the kinesin spindle protein. This article also summary the inhibitors of the kinesin spindle protein. [Read the Full Post]

Pommier, Y. (2006). "Topoisomerase I inhibitors: camptothecins and beyond." Nat Rev Cancer 6(10): 789-802.

4018 views | May 27 2011

The mechanisms and molecular determinants of tumour response to TOP1 inhibitors are reviewed, and rational combinations of TOP1 inhibitors with other drugs are considered based on current knowledge of repair and checkpoint pathways that are associated with TOP1-mediated DNA damage. [Read the Full Post]

Mackay, H. J. and C. J. Twelves (2007). "Targeting the protein kinase C family: are we there yet?" Nat Rev Cancer 7(7): 554-562.

4657 views | May 18 2011

This review summary the development of PKC inhibitors for cancer. It also explains the difficulties we meet. The author also give a prospect of PKC inhibitors. [Read the Full Post]

He, L., X. He, et al. (2007). "A microRNA component of the p53 tumour suppressor network." Nature 447(7148): 1130-1134.

3459 views | May 15 2011

The article which was published in NATURE uses miRNA to study p53 network. The article which was citied by 562 provides a new way to study target. [Read the Full Post]

Soulard, A. and M. N. Hall (2007). "SnapShot: mTOR signaling." Cell 129(2): 434.

2264 views | May 13 2011

A wonderful snapshot of mTOR signaling pathway provides a picture of mTOR signaling pathway with detail information about pathway. [Read the Full Post]

Jacob, L. and L. Lum (2007). "Hedgehog signaling pathway." Sci STKE 2007(407): cm6.

3120 views | May 12 2011

A brief introduction of hedgehog signal transduction with good hedgehog signal transduction map. [Read the Full Post]

Burma, S. and D. J. Chen (2004). "Role of DNA-PK in the cellular response to DNA double-strand breaks." DNA Repair (Amst) 3(8-9): 909-918.

4852 views | May 11 2011

This review introduces DNA-PK as a kinase in the cellular response to DNA double-strand breaks with many details including autophosphorylation of DNA–PKcs, role of DNA–PK in the signaling of DNA damage, and the manifold functions of DNA–PK at the mammalian telomere. I t also mentions the innate immune response which DNA-PK is related to. [Read the Full Post]

Bianco, R., T. Gelardi, et al. (2007). "Rational bases for the development of EGFR inhibitors for cancer treatment." Int J Biochem Cell Biol 39(7-8): 1416-1431.

3769 views | May 11 2011

This article reviews the EGFR role in carcinogenesis and tumor progression as rational bases for the development of specific therapeutic inhibitors. [Read the Full Post]

Lippert, J. W., 3rd (2007). "Vascular disrupting agents." Bioorg Med Chem 15(2): 605-615.

3579 views | May 10 2011

This review summary the six small molecule vascular disrupting agents and let us tell the difference between vascular disrupting agents and vascular targeting agents. [Read the Full Post]

Peters, J. M. (2006). "The anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome: a machine designed to destroy." Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 7(9): 644-656.

3751 views | May 8 2011

This article which was published in Nature review molecular cell biology reviews not only APC/C subunits and substrates, but the functions, regulation, and inhibition of APC during the 10 years since APC was discovered. [Read the Full Post]

Holmes, K., O. L. Roberts, et al. (2007). "Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2: structure, function, intracellular signalling and therapeutic inhibition." Cell Signal 19(10): 2003-2012.

2679 views | May 3 2011

This article explains the function of VEGFR-2 and the relationship among VEGFR, bcl-2, p53 and caspase. We can also learn the relationship between VEGFR and different diseases. [Read the Full Post]

Barr, F. A., H. H. Sillje, et al. (2004). "Polo-like kinases and the orchestration of cell division." Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 5(6): 429-440

3427 views | Apr 22 2011

This review introduces the Plk structure and regulation, Plk function at the G2/M transition, in cytokinesis, and chromosome segregation, and the interaction between PLKs and other targets. [Read the Full Post]

Wheatley, S. P. and I. A. McNeish (2005). "Survivin: a protein with dual roles in mitosis and apoptosis." Int Rev Cytol 247: 35-88.

3829 views | Apr 22 2011

a review give us a detail information of survivin’s role in mitosis and apoptosis.54 pages content include main information and data about survivin. [Read the Full Post]

Markovic, A., K. L. MacKenzie, et al. (2005). "FLT-3: a new focus in the understanding of acute leukemia." Int J Biochem Cell Biol 37(6): 1168-1172.

4488 views | Apr 20 2011

This review introduces the FLT-3 signaling cascade, the process of activation, internalization, and degradation of FLT-3, and medical applications of FLT-3 inhibitors. [Read the Full Post]

Ekwall, K. (2005). "Genome-wide analysis of HDAC function." Trends Genet 21(11): 608-615.

3992 views | Apr 19 2011

This review is about genome-wide analysis of HDAC functions. It is a review of systematic study of HDACs and introduces the related targets such as Rpd3, Hos1, Hos2 , Hos3 and so on. [Read the Full Post]

Chiosis, G., M. Vilenchik, et al. (2004). "Hsp90: the vulnerable chaperone." Drug Discov Today 9(20): 881-888.

4425 views | Apr 19 2011

Agents that interact with its C-terminus or modify its post-translational status represent additional ways of interfering with chaperone activity. This review will discuss several emerging classes of Hsp90 inhibitors and their modes of action. [Read the Full Post]