

Blog of Signaling Pathways

CDK12/13 promote splicing of proximal introns by enhancing the interaction between RNA polymerase II and the splicing factor SF3B1

35 views | May 09 2023

The article reports that dual inhibition of CDK12 and CDK13 impairs splicing of a subset of introns characterized by weak 3' splice sites located at larger distance from the branchpoint, and targeting both CDK12/13 and the spliceosome represents an exploitable anticancer approach. [Read the Full Post]

Targeting TLR2/Rac1/cdc42/JNK Pathway to Reveal That Ruxolitinib Promotes Thrombocytopoiesis

85 views | May 09 2023

Ruxolitinib has been shown to facilitate megakaryocyte differentiation and maturation, leading to accelerated thrombocytopoiesis in radiation-injured thrombocytopenia mice, possibly via activation of the Rac1/cdc42/JNK pathway through binding to Toll Like Receptor 2 (TLR2). [Read the Full Post]

ETC-159, an Upstream Wnt inhibitor, Induces Tumour Necrosis via Modulation of Angiogenesis in Osteosarcoma

226 views | May 09 2023

ETC-159, a PORCN inhibitor, has shown potential as a treatment for osteosarcomas by inhibiting the Wnt pathway and leading to increased tumour necrosis and reduced vascularity, providing a new window of vulnerability for therapy development. [Read the Full Post]

Re-evaluation of Brequinar sodium, a dihydroorotate dehydrogenase inhibitor

81 views | May 09 2023

Brequinar sodium is a potent inhibitor of DHO-DH enzyme that induces myelosuppression by inhibiting DHO-DH in WBC and depleting plasma uridine, and has potential therapeutic applications in leukemia or inflammatory diseases. [Read the Full Post]

TXA2 mediates LPA1-stimulated uterine contraction in late pregnant mouse

64 views | May 09 2023

LPA1 stimulation induces contractions in late pregnant mouse uterus through the TXA2 pathway and may have clinical applications in inducing labor in uterine dysfunctions/dystocia. [Read the Full Post]

Comparative analysis of pre-existing HIV drug resistance mutations in proviral DNA via Next-Generation Sequencing and routine HIV RNA genotyping

212 views | May 08 2023

The study found that deep sequencing of archived HIV DNA can detect transmitted drug resistance mutations that are not identified by routine bulk sequencing, including low-frequency mutations that could become dominant under drug selection pressure. [Read the Full Post]

PHLPP1 regulates PINK1-parkin signalling and life span

201 views | May 08 2023

PHLPP1 regulates mitochondrial homeostasis by promoting tubularity or fragmentation depending on cellular conditions and interacts with calcineurin and PINK1 under basal conditions, while its depletion in C. elegans leads to mitochondrial fission, lifespan extension, and enhanced survival under oxidative stress. [Read the Full Post]

Targeting the KLF5-EphA2 axis can restrain cancer stemness and overcome chemoresistance in basal-like breast cancer

68 views | May 08 2023

The study provides evidence that the KLF5-EphA2 axis promotes stemness and drug resistance in basal-like breast cancer and targeting EphA2 may be a potential therapeutic strategy. [Read the Full Post]

Licorice extract inhibits the cGAS-STING pathway and protects against non-alcoholic steatohepatitis

77 views | May 08 2023

Licorice extract may have therapeutic potential for non-alcoholic steatohepatitis by inhibiting the cGAS-STING pathway and improving hepatic inflammation and fibrosis. [Read the Full Post]

In vivo bioluminescence imaging of natural bacteria within deep tissues via ATP-binding cassette sugar transporter

45 views | May 08 2023

A novel bioluminescence imaging method utilizing bacteria-specific ATP-binding cassette sugar transporters to internalize probes and differentiate bacterial and non-bacterial infections in vivo was developed. [Read the Full Post]

LincRNA-p21 Promotes Cellular Senescence by Down-regulating the Wnt/β-catenin Pathway in MPP+-treated SH-SY5Y Cells

223 views | May 07 2023

This study aimed to investigate the role of lincRNA-p21 in MPP+-induced senescence in SH-SY5Y cells and its potential as a therapeutic target for Parkinson's disease. [Read the Full Post]

Inactivation of KDM5A suppresses growth and enhances chemosensitivity in liver cancer by modulating ROCK1/PTEN/AKT pathway

58 views | May 07 2023

Targeting the inactivation of KDM5A can enhance the chemosensitivity of liver cancer cells to CDDP through modulating the ROCK1/PTEN/AKT signaling pathway. [Read the Full Post]

Insulin can up-regulate LC-PUFA biosynthesis with the involvement of Srebp-1c and stimulatory protein 1 (Sp1) in marine teleost Siganus canaliculatus

160 views | May 07 2023

The study found that insulin up-regulates long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis in rabbitfish through the involvement of transcription factors Srebp-1c and Sp1, as demonstrated in a hepatocyte cell line. [Read the Full Post]

COVID-19 Vaccine Response in People with Multiple Sclerosis Treated with Dimethyl Fumarate, Diroximel Fumarate, Natalizumab, Ocrelizumab, or Interferon Beta Therapy

51 views | May 07 2023

This study evaluated the immune response to the mRNA-1273 COVID-19 vaccine in people with MS receiving different DMTs and found that the humoral response was preserved and similar in participants treated with natalizumab, fumarates, and interferon beta, but muted with ocrelizumab, with all DMTs having preserved T cell response but the ocrelizumab cohort having a greater risk of vaccine-related side effects. [Read the Full Post]

Lipids and transaminase elevations in ARV-experienced PLWH switching to a doravirine-based regimen from rilpivirine or other regimens

79 views | May 07 2023

The study found that the lipid-lowering effect of DOR in people living with HIV was observed in those switching from other NNRTIs and INSTI-including regimens, but not in those switching from RPV, suggesting that the effect is drug class-related. [Read the Full Post]

Middle Meningeal Artery Embolization for Chronic Subdural Hematoma: Predictors of Clinical and Radiographic Failure from 636 Embolizations

133 views | May 06 2023

The study identified multiple independent predictors of failure of middle meningeal artery embolization treatment for chronic subdural hematoma, with small diameter being the only factor independently associated with both clinical and radiographic failures. [Read the Full Post]

Stability-Indicating Method Development and Validation for Quantitative Estimation of Assay and Organic Impurities of anti-viral drug Baloxavir-Marboxil in Drug Substance and Pharmaceutical Dosage Form using HPLC and LC-MS Methods

149 views | May 06 2023

A liquid chromatographic method was developed and validated for estimating the assay and impurities of Baloxavir-Marboxil in drug substance and pharmaceutical formulations, demonstrating reliable and robust separation of known and unknown impurities and stability-indicating properties. [Read the Full Post]

Characterization of a Cdc42 protein inhibitor and its use as a molecular probe

77 views | May 06 2023

This passage discusses the identification and characterization of a new Cdc42-selective allosteric inhibitor, which has potential therapeutic implications for diseases related to Cdc42 overactivity and could facilitate molecular pathway studies involving GTPases. [Read the Full Post]

The anorectic and thermogenic effects of pharmacological lactate in male mice are confounded by treatment osmolarity and co-administered counterions

120 views | May 06 2023

The passage highlights the importance of controlling for injection osmolarity and counterions in metabolite research, as the hypertonicity of injected solutions and co-injected ions can confound the results of studies investigating lactate's effects. [Read the Full Post]

Ligand-Controlled Growth of Different Morphological Bimetallic Metal-Organic Frameworks for Enhanced Charge-Storage Performance and Quasi-Solid-State Hybrid Supercapacitors

157 views | May 06 2023

This research work demonstrates a ligand-mediated approach to obtain different morphological surface structures of bimetallic metal-organic frameworks, which can offer a new pathway for synthesizing MOF materials for energy storage applications. [Read the Full Post]