

Blog of Signaling Pathways

Bolgiano-Obukhov spectrum and mixing efficiency in stably stratified turbulence

212 views | Oct 12 2023

The paper presents simulations of highly turbulent stably stratified flow using a shell model, revealing dual scaling behavior in the energy spectra, mixing efficiency variation with Richardson number for different stratification strengths, and Kolmogorov scaling in the inertial range. [Read the Full Post]

Pharmacological Inhibition of p-21 Activated Kinase (PAK) Restores Impaired Neurite Outgrowth and Remodeling in a Cellular Model of Down Syndrome

187 views | Oct 12 2023

In a cellular model of Down syndrome, overexpression of APP and subsequent PAK1 hyperphosphorylation impair neurite outgrowth and remodeling, suggesting PAK1 as a potential pharmacological target for intervention. [Read the Full Post]

Transcranial direct current stimulation attenuates chronic pain in knee osteoarthritis by modulating BDNF/TrkB signaling in the descending pain modulation system

116 views | Oct 12 2023

This hypothetical study suggests that upregulation of the BDNF/TrkB signaling in the descending pain modulation system may be involved in chronic pain associated with knee osteoarthritis (KOA) in rats, and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) may alleviate this pain by inhibiting the BDNF/TrkB signaling pathway. [Read the Full Post]

Inhibiting HIF-1 signaling alleviates HTRA1-induced RPE senescence in retinal degeneration

86 views | Oct 12 2023

Elevated levels of HTRA1 in age-related macular degeneration (AMD) contribute to retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) senescence by damaging mitochondrial function and activating HIF-1 signaling, suggesting the inhibition of HIF-1 signaling as a potential therapeutic strategy for AMD. [Read the Full Post]

Apatinib Inhibits Stem Properties and Malignant Biological Behaviors of Breast Cancer Stem Cells by Blocking Wnt/β-catenin Signal Pathway through Downregulating LncRNA ROR

55 views | Oct 12 2023

Apatinib effectively inhibits the stem-like properties and malignant behaviors of breast cancer stem cells (BCSCs) by suppressing the Wnt/β-catenin pathway through downregulation of lncRNA ROR. [Read the Full Post]

With-No-Lysine Kinase 1 (WNK1) Augments TRPV4 Function in the Aldosterone-Sensitive Distal Nephron

193 views | Oct 11 2023

WNK1 kinase plays a critical role in regulating TRPV4 activity and expression, essential for maintaining potassium homeostasis in the aldosterone-sensitive distal nephron. [Read the Full Post]

Senescent immune cells accumulation promotes brown adipose tissue dysfunction during aging

127 views | Oct 11 2023

Bone marrow-derived senescent immune cells expressing S100A8 infiltrate brown adipose tissue during aging, compromising axon networks and thermogenic function, but treatment with an S100A8 inhibitor rejuvenates these functions in aged mice. [Read the Full Post]

Synergistic targeting of CHK1 and mTOR in MYC-driven tumors

244 views | Oct 11 2023

Simultaneous targeting of CHK1 and mTOR emerges as a novel and potent co-treatment modality for MYC-mediated tumors, impairing cell viability and inducing synergistic lethality in vitro and impeding tumor progression in vivo. [Read the Full Post]

PRMT3 drives glioblastoma progression by enhancing HIF1A and glycolytic metabolism

129 views | Oct 11 2023

PRMT3 promotes the progression of glioblastoma by enhancing HIF1α-mediated glycolysis and metabolic rewiring, presenting a potential therapeutic target for treating malignant gliomas. [Read the Full Post]

Safety and effectiveness of ataluren in patients with nonsense mutation DMD in the STRIDE Registry compared with the CINRG Duchenne Natural History Study (2015-2022): 2022 interim analysis

184 views | Oct 11 2023

The interim findings of the STRIDE registry show that long-term treatment with ataluren plus standard of care delays disease progression milestones in individuals with nonsense mutation Duchenne muscular dystrophy (nmDMD) compared to standard of care alone. [Read the Full Post]

Solithromycin inhibits IL-13-induced goblet cell hyperplasia and MUC5AC, CLCA1, and ANO1 in human bronchial epithelial cells

104 views | Oct 10 2023

Solithromycin was found to attenuate IL-13-induced goblet cell hyperplasia and MUC5AC production by inhibiting the mRNA and protein expression of CLCA1 and ANO1, independent of STAT6 and ERK phosphorylation. [Read the Full Post]

CRIP1 supports the growth and migration of AML-M5 subtype cells by activating Wnt/β-catenin pathway

129 views | Oct 10 2023

CRIP1, an oncogene overexpressed in AML cells, promotes cell survival and migration through the activation of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway, making it a potential therapeutic target for AML-M5 treatment. [Read the Full Post]

Current Treatments for Patients with Genetic Obesity

296 views | Oct 10 2023

Genetic obesities, characterized by impaired central control of body weight and a predominant genetic contribution, require a comprehensive approach that combines lifestyle interventions with individualized care based on genetic diagnosis to effectively manage the condition and improve quality of life. [Read the Full Post]

Construction and Validation of Protein Expression-related Prognostic Models in Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma

295 views | Oct 10 2023

The study developed a prognostic evaluation model for ccRCC patients using bioinformatics methods, identified 13 independent prognostic proteins, and demonstrated their strong predictive ability for patient survival, while also identifying potential drugs for targeted therapy. [Read the Full Post]

Selective USP7 inhibition elicits cancer cell killing through a p53-dependent mechanism

117 views | Oct 10 2023

XL177A, a potent and selective USP7 inhibitor, demonstrates p53-dependent growth suppression and TP53 mutational status as a potential biomarker for response, showing promise as a targeted therapeutic agent in cancer, including pediatric cancers such as Ewing sarcoma and malignant rhabdoid tumor. [Read the Full Post]

Screening and Analysis of Possible Drugs Binding to PDGFRα: A Molecular Modeling Study

309 views | Oct 09 2023

This study aimed to identify new ligands for the platelet-derived growth factor receptor (PDGFR) through screening of thousands of compounds, resulting in the selection of potential drugs and natural compounds with high affinity, providing valuable insights for the development of more effective treatments for PDGFR-related diseases. [Read the Full Post]

Docking-Based Evidence for the Potential of ImmunoDefender: A Novel Formulated Essential Oil Blend Incorporating Synergistic Antiviral Bioactive Compounds as Promising Mpro Inhibitors against SARS-CoV-2

71 views | Oct 09 2023

In silico studies demonstrated that certain components of the "ImmunoDefender" antiviral compound, derived from essential oils, showed strong affinity and binding energies to the main protease of SARS-CoV-2, suggesting their potential in inhibiting the virus's pathogenesis and transmission, but further research is needed to confirm these findings. [Read the Full Post]

Advances into Understanding the Vital Role of the Mitochondrial Citrate Carrier (CIC) in Metabolic Diseases

101 views | Oct 09 2023

This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the structure, function, and disease associations of the mitochondrial citrate carrier (CIC), highlighting its potential as a novel therapeutic target in a range of human metabolic diseases. [Read the Full Post]

The protective effects of NE 52-QQ57 against interleukin-33-induced inflammatory response in activated synovial mast cells

483 views | Oct 09 2023

The study suggests that inhibiting GPR4 signaling with the antagonist NE 52-QQ57 may have therapeutic benefits in rheumatoid arthritis by reducing inflammatory responses and oxidative stress in synovial mast cells. [Read the Full Post]

Targeting cell cycle and apoptosis to overcome chemotherapy resistance in acute myeloid leukemia

73 views | Oct 09 2023

Defective cell cycle arrest, particularly involving downregulation of CDKN2A, is a clinically significant contributor to chemoresistance in acute myeloid leukemia (AML), and therapeutic combinations targeting the G1S cell cycle restriction point and promoting apoptosis show promise in enhancing treatment response and potentially overcoming chemoresistance. [Read the Full Post]