

Hippo pathway

Non-Photoinduced Biological Properties of Verteporfin

0 views | Jan 23 2020

Gibault F et al. indicated that VP is a multi-target drug interacting with several proteins implicated in major cellular processes. Although this does not impact its clinical use, VP does not seem to be the ideal drug for pharmacological inhibitions of YAP/TEAD. [Read the Full Post]

Pharmacological inhibition of Hippo pathway, with the novel kinase inhibitor XMU-MP-1, protects the heart against adverse effects during pressure overload

422 views | Dec 25 2019

Triastuti E et al. indicated the Hippo pathway inhibitor, XMU-MP-1, reduced cellular hypertrophy and improved survival in cultured cardiomyocytes and, in vivo, preserved cardiac function following pressure overload. [Read the Full Post]

Antiproliferative and Antimigratory Effects of a Novel YAP-TEAD Interaction Inhibitor Identified Using in Silico Molecular Docking

564 views | Jul 13 2019

Smith SA et al. reported the identification of a novel compound (CPD3.1) with the ability to disrupt YAP-TEAD protein-protein interaction and inhibit TEAD activity, cell proliferation, and cell migration. The YAP-TEAD complex is a viable drug target, and CPD3.1 is a lead compound for the development of more potent TEAD inhibitors for treating cancer and other hyperproliferative pathologies. [Read the Full Post]

Strategies to Enhance Metabolic Stabilities

601 views | May 29 2019

Khatri B et al. noted that any chemical modification that helps in providing either local or global conformational rigidity to these macrocyclic peptides aids in improving their metabolic stability typically by slowing the cleavage kinetics by the proteases. [Read the Full Post]

Exploration of MST1-Mediated Secondary Brain Injury Induced by Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Rats via Hippo Signaling Pathway

538 views | Apr 09 2019

Zhang P et al. revealed that MST1 played an important role in the SBI following ICH, and inhibition of MST1 could alleviate ICH-induced SBI. Therefore, MST1 may be considered as a potential therapeutic target for SBI following ICH. [Read the Full Post]