



The stem cells are not only known for their property of pluripotency in nature which means they have the potency to replicate in an indefinite manner but also famous for their capability of getting differentiate into all other kinds of cells and organelles from the three basic germinal layers named as ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. Embryonic stem cells of human (hESCs) have the ability of producing various numbers of types of cells in contrast to adult stem cells having the capability of producing only a limited cell types. Due to their pluripotency hESCs or human embryonic stem cells are of great interest and importance for the scientists and researchers as they are being used for detection and analysis of different genetic disorders of human in their research. The successful models of Human Embryonic Stem Cells are made for Fragile-X syndrome and Cystic fibrosis (CF) etc like genetic maladies and their will be many more in upcoming years. In olden years the usual practice was to use embryo to generate pluripotent stem cells which is brought down very significantly due to the process of insertion of various genes like Sox2, Oct4 and Klf4 etc into differentiated cells. These genes can enhance the pluripotency in differentiated cells and make them exactly like embryonic stem cells. A recent more advanced approach is to use molecules like Thiazovivin.


By the induction of Thiazovivin the differentiated cells get transformed into stem cells as this chemical agent is the inducer of pluripotency. Thiazovivin price is almost around $150 or sometimes even more than $150 for a vial containing 5 mg which is very costly indeed. Thiazovivin suppliers are very easily available and one can get it by paying the described amount to the suppliers. 100 mM solution of Thiazovivin can be made by dissolving it into DMSO which is the pet solubility of Thiazovivin. Thiazovivin stability is around 2 years or even more if stored at -20° C or lower temperature. Thiazovivin structure reveals that Thiazovivin is carboxamide derivative in nature. The basic mechanism behind the property of Thiazovivin is to save fatal perturbations in cells' integrin signaling. It does so by its property to block the disruption of signaling cascade of E-cadherin which is irretrievable hence causes an increase in survival of post trypsinization process in hESCs [1]. Thiazovivin and other chemicals like it are now considered to be a good alternative to traditional methods of reprogramming having a low efficiency and slow kinetic properties.


The chemical agent Thiazovivin is being used very successfully in laboratories for improving the potential of iPSC or induced pluripotent stem cells generation produced from fibroblasts of human. This practice has removed the limitation over restricted and limited supply of iPSCs as they being highly used in various biomedical applications [2]. Induction of Thiazovivin for the induction of the re-programming phenomenon in somatic cells is now the next strategy of work [3]. Very recent reports about the efficiency of this chemical for re-programming the stem cells is in cardiovascular diseases models [4] which surely demands a great attention towards the clinical trials of Thiazovivin. The phenomenon of stem cells modulation induced by Thiazovivin is very hopeful movement towards regenerative medicine [5]. Some recent reports revealed very hopeful results of treatment of Hemophilia by adopting Thiazovivin treatment strategy [6]. Thiazovivin in combination with some small compounds also gave very good results in yield and affectivity in terms of stem cells induction.



1.             Xu Y, e.a., Revealing a core signaling regulatory mechanism for pluripotent stem cell survival and self-renewal by small molecules. PNAS, 2002.

2.             Lin T, e.a., A chemical platform for improved induction of human iPSCs. Nat Methods., 2009.

3.             Sorrentio A, e.a., Induced pluripotent stem cells: the long-expected revolution in medical science and practice? The Journal of Nucleic Acids Investigation, 2010.

4.             Narsinh K, e.a., Derivation of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells for Cardiovascular Disease Modeling. Circulation Res, 2011.

5.             Allsopp TE, e.a., Small molecule modulation of stem cells in regenerative medicine: recent applications and future direction. Med. Chem. Commun., 2010.

6.             Liras A, e.a., Induced human pluripotent stem cells and advanced therapies: Future perspectives for the treatment of haemophilia? Thrombosis Research, 2011.

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Cat.No. Product Name Information
S1459 Thiazovivin Thiazovivin is a novel ROCK inhibitor with IC50 of 0.5 μM in a cell-free assay, promotes hESC survival after single-cell dissociation.

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