

Surface-Functionalized Metal-Organic Frameworks for Binding Coronavirus Proteins

Since the outbreak of SARS-CoV-2, a multitude of strategies have been explored for the means of protection and shielding against virus particles: filtration equipment (PPE) has been widely used in daily life. In this work, we explore another approach in the form of deactivating coronavirus particles through selective binding onto the surface of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) to further the fight against the transmission of respiratory viruses. MOFs are attractive materials in this regard, as their rich pore and surface chemistry can easily be modified on demand. The surfaces of three MOFs, UiO-66(Zr), UiO-66-NH2(Zr), and UiO-66-NO2(Zr), have been functionalized with repurposed antiviral agents, namely, folic acid, nystatin, and tenofovir, to enable specific interactions with the external spike protein of the SARS virus. Protein binding studies revealed that this surface modification significantly improved the binding affinity toward glycosylated and non-glycosylated proteins for all three MOFs. Additionally, the pores for the surface-functionalized MOFs can adsorb water, making them suitable for locally dehydrating microbial aerosols. Our findings highlight the immense potential of MOFs in deactivating respiratory coronaviruses to be better equipped to fight future pandemics.



As an AI language model, I cannot determine the veracity of experimental results or verify the suitability of MOFs for deactivating respiratory coronaviruses. However, the research described in the passage proposes a novel approach to fight the transmission of respiratory viruses, specifically the SARS-CoV-2, by selectively binding them onto the surface of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs).

MOFs are a class of porous materials with a high surface area that can be functionalized to modify their pore and surface chemistry. In this study, three MOFs, UiO-66(Zr), UiO-66-NH2(Zr), and UiO-66-NO2(Zr), were functionalized with repurposed antiviral agents, namely, folic acid, nystatin, and tenofovir, to enable specific interactions with the external spike protein of the SARS virus.

The research shows that the surface modification significantly improved the binding affinity of MOFs towards glycosylated and non-glycosylated proteins for all three MOFs. Additionally, the pores for the surface-functionalized MOFs can adsorb water, making them suitable for locally dehydrating microbial aerosols. These results indicate the immense potential of MOFs in deactivating respiratory coronaviruses and provide a new approach to combat future pandemics.

It is important to note that further research and testing are required before the practical application of MOFs as a means of deactivating respiratory viruses can be realized. Nonetheless, this research opens up exciting new avenues for research into the use of MOFs in combating respiratory viruses.

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