
T0070907 is a potent inhibitor of PPARγ (peroxisome proliferator activator receptor γ ) that induces G2/M arrest and enhances the effect of radiation in human cervical cancer cells through mitotic catastrophe. It also acts as an antagonist of PPARγ that suppresses breast cancer cell proliferation and motility via both PPARgamma-dependent and -independent mechanisms.

T0070907 Chemical Structure

T0070907 Chemical Structure

CAS No. 313516-66-4

Purity & Quality Control

T0070907 Related Products

Signaling Pathway

Cell Data

Cell Lines Assay Type Concentration Incubation Time Formulation Activity Description PMID
OR6 Cytotoxicity assay 72 hrs Cytotoxicity against african green monkey OR6 cells after 72 hrs by WST1 assay, CC50=2.7μM. 23891183
OR6 Antiviral assay 72 hrs Antiviral activity against HCV infected in african green monkey OR6 cells assessed as inhibition of viral RNA replication after 72 hrs by luciferase reporter gene assay, ED50=4.9μM. 23891183
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Biological Activity

Description T0070907 is a potent inhibitor of PPARγ (peroxisome proliferator activator receptor γ ) that induces G2/M arrest and enhances the effect of radiation in human cervical cancer cells through mitotic catastrophe. It also acts as an antagonist of PPARγ that suppresses breast cancer cell proliferation and motility via both PPARgamma-dependent and -independent mechanisms.
PPARγ [1]
In vitro
In vitro

T0070907 is a potent and selective PPARγ antagonist. With an apparent binding affinity of 1 nM, T0070907 covalently modifies PPARγ on cysteine 313 in helix 3 of human PPARγ2. T0070907 blocks PPARγ function in both cell-based reporter gene and adipocyte differentiation assays. Consistent with its role as an antagonist of PPARγ, T0070907 blocks agonist-induced recruitment of coactivator-derived peptides to PPARγ in a homogeneous time-resolved fluorescence-based assay and promotes recruitment of the transcriptional corepressor NCoR to PPARγ in both glutathione S-transferase pull-down assays and a PPARγ/retinoid X receptor (RXR) α-dependent gel shift assay. Studies with mutant receptors suggest that T0070907 modulates the interaction of PPARγ with these cofactor proteins by affecting the conformation of helix 12 of the PPARγ ligand-binding domain. Interestingly, whereas the T0070907-induced NCoR recruitment to PPARγ/RXRα heterodimer can be almost completely reversed by the simultaneous treatment with RXRα agonist LGD1069, T0070907 treatment has only modest effects on LGD1069-induced coactivator recruitment to the PPARγ/RXRα heterodimer. [1] T0070907 treatment inhibits proliferation, invasion and migration but does not significantly affect apoptosis. Molecular inhibition using a dominant negative (Δ462) receptor yields similar results. T007 also mediates a dose-dependent decrease in phosphorylation of PPARγ, and its ability to bind to DNA, and may directly affect mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling. [2]

Kinase Assay Ligand Binding Assay
To determine the binding affinity of T0070907 to the PPARs, scintillation proximity assay (SPA) is performed with the following modifications. A 90-μl reaction contains SPA buffer (10 mm KH2PO4, 10 mm KH2PO4, 2 mm EDTA, 50 mm NaCl, 1 mm dithiothreitol, 2 mmCHAPS, 10% (v/v) glycerol, pH 7.1), 50 ng of GST-PPARγ (or 150 ng of GST-PPARα, GST-PPARδ), 5 nm 3H-labeled radioligands, and 5 μl of T0070907 in Me2SO. After incubation for 1 h at room temperature, 10 μl of polylysine-coated SPA beads (at 20 mg/ml in SPA buffer) are added, and the mixtureis incubated for 1 h before reading in Packard Topcount.
Cell Research Cell lines MCF-7 cells
Concentrations 20 μM and higher concentrations
Incubation Time 48 h

MTS assay

In Vivo
In vivo

Lipopolysaccharide preconditioning significantly attenuates the development of renal dysfunction, hepatocellular injury, and circulatory failure as well as the increase in the plasma levels of interleukin-1 [beta] caused by severe endotoxemia. T0070907 can attenuate all of these beneficial effects afforded by preconditioning with lipopolysaccharide [3]

Animal Research Animal Models Preconditioning is performed by administering a low dose (1 mg/kg) of Escherichia coli LPS (serotype 0.127:B8) intraperitoneally 24 hr before the induction of severe endotoxemia.
Dosages 1 mg/kg
Administration intraperitoneally

Chemical Information & Solubility

Molecular Weight 277.66 Formula


CAS No. 313516-66-4 SDF Download T0070907 SDF
Smiles C1=CC(=C(C=C1[N+](=O)[O-])C(=O)NC2=CC=NC=C2)Cl
Storage (From the date of receipt)

In vitro

DMSO : 55 mg/mL ( (198.08 mM) Moisture-absorbing DMSO reduces solubility. Please use fresh DMSO.)

Water : Insoluble

Ethanol : Insoluble

Molecular Weight Calculator

In vivo

Add solvents to the product individually and in order.

In vivo Formulation Calculator

Preparing Stock Solutions

Molarity Calculator

Mass Concentration Volume Molecular Weight

In vivo Formulation Calculator (Clear solution)

Step 1: Enter information below (Recommended: An additional animal making an allowance for loss during the experiment)

mg/kg g μL

Step 2: Enter the in vivo formulation (This is only the calculator, not formulation. Please contact us first if there is no in vivo formulation at the solubility Section.)

% DMSO % % Tween 80 % ddH2O

Calculation results:

Working concentration: mg/ml;

Method for preparing DMSO master liquid: mg drug pre-dissolved in μL DMSO ( Master liquid concentration mg/mL, Please contact us first if the concentration exceeds the DMSO solubility of the batch of drug. )

Method for preparing in vivo formulation: Take μL DMSO master liquid, next addμL PEG300, mix and clarify, next addμL Tween 80, mix and clarify, next add μL ddH2O, mix and clarify.

Method for preparing in vivo formulation: Take μL DMSO master liquid, next add μL Corn oil, mix and clarify.

Note: 1. Please make sure the liquid is clear before adding the next solvent.
2. Be sure to add the solvent(s) in order. You must ensure that the solution obtained, in the previous addition, is a clear solution before proceeding to add the next solvent. Physical methods such
as vortex, ultrasound or hot water bath can be used to aid dissolving.

Tech Support

Answers to questions you may have can be found in the inhibitor handling instructions. Topics include how to prepare stock solutions, how to store inhibitors, and issues that need special attention for cell-based assays and animal experiments.

Handling Instructions

Tel: +1-832-582-8158 Ext:3
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