Cabozantinib (XL184)

Synonyms: BMS-907351

Cabozantinib (XL184) is a potent VEGFR2 inhibitor with IC50 of 0.035 nM and also inhibits c-Met, Ret, Kit, Flt-1/3/4, Tie2, and AXL with IC50 of 1.3 nM, 4 nM, 4.6 nM, 12 nM/11.3 nM/6 nM, 14.3 nM and 7 nM in cell-free assays, respectively. Cabozantinib induces PUMA-dependent apoptosis in colon cancer cells via AKT/GSK-3β/NF-κB signaling pathway.

Cabozantinib (XL184) Chemical Structure

Cabozantinib (XL184) Chemical Structure

CAS No. 849217-68-1

Purity & Quality Control

Cabozantinib (XL184) Related Products

Signaling Pathway

Cell Data

Cell Lines Assay Type Concentration Incubation Time Formulation Activity Description PMID
E98NT  Growth Inhibition Assay 0.01-10 μM DMSO IC50=89 nM 23484006
SNU-5  Growth Inhibition Assay IC50= 19 nM 21926191
Hs746T  Growth Inhibition Assay IC50=9.9 nM 21926191
SNU-1  Growth Inhibition Assay IC50=5223 nM 21926191
SNU-16 Growth Inhibition Assay IC50=1149 nM 21926191
MDA-MB-231 Growth Inhibition Assay IC50= 6421 nM 21926191
U87MG Growth Inhibition Assay IC50=1851 nM 21926191
H441  Growth Inhibition Assay IC50=21700 nM 21926191
H69 Growth Inhibition Assay IC50=20200 nM 21926191
PC3 Growth Inhibition Assay IC50=10800 nM 21926191
MTC-TT Growth Inhibition Assay IC50=0.04 + 0.03 μM 21470995
MZ-CRC Growth Inhibition Assay IC50> 5 μM 21470995
TPC-1 Growth Inhibition Assay IC50=0.06 + 0.02 μM 21470995
NIH-3T3/TPR-Met Function assay Inhibition of cell proliferation in mouse NIH-3T3/TPR-Met cells, IC50 = 1 μM. 24996144
BA/F3 Growth inhibition assay Inhibition of TEL-fused VEGFR2 (unknown origin) expressed in mouse BA/F3 cells assessed as cell growth inhibition, GI50 = 0.003 μM. 26652860
BaF3 Growth inhibition assay 48 hrs Inhibition of TEL-fused Ret S891A mutant (unknown origin) expressed in mouse BaF3 cells assessed as cell growth inhibition after 48 hrs by MTT assay, GI50 = 0.01 μM. 26652860
BA/F3 Growth inhibition assay 48 hrs Inhibition of wild type TEL-fused RET (unknown origin) expressed in mouse BA/F3 cells assessed as cell growth inhibition after 48 hrs by MTT assay, GI50 = 0.05 μM. 26652860
TT Growth inhibition assay 10 days Inhibition of RET C634W mutant in human TT cells assessed as cell growth inhibition after 10 days by MTT assay, GI50 = 0.12 μM. 26652860
BA/F3 Growth inhibition assay 48 hrs Inhibition of TEL-fused Ret V804M mutant (unknown origin) expressed in mouse BA/F3 cells assessed as cell growth inhibition after 48 hrs by MTT assay, GI50 = 0.89 μM. 26652860
BaF3 Growth inhibition assay 48 hrs Inhibition of TEL-fused Ret V804L mutant (unknown origin) expressed in mouse BaF3 cells assessed as cell growth inhibition after 48 hrs by MTT assay, GI50 = 0.91 μM. 26652860
Nthy-ori 3-1 Cytotoxicity assay 10 days Cytotoxicity against human Nthy-ori 3-1 cells after 10 days by MTT assay, GI50 = 4.93 μM. 26652860
BAF3 Function assay 0.01 to 10 uM 1 hr Inhibition of TEL-fused wild type Ret (unknown origin) phosphorylation at Y1062/Y905 expressed in mouse BAF3 cells at 0.01 to 10 uM after 1 hr by Western blot analysis 26652860
TT Function assay 4 hrs Inhibition of autophosphorylation of RET C634W mutant at Y905 in human TT cells at 1 uM after 4 hrs by Western blot analysis 26652860
BAF3 Function assay 0.01 to 10 uM 1 hr Inhibition of TEL-fused Ret S891A mutant (unknown origin) phosphorylation at Y1062/Y905 expressed in mouse BAF3 cells at 0.01 to 10 uM after 1 hr by Western blot analysis 26652860
BAF3 Function assay 0.01 to 10 uM 1 hr Inhibition of TEL-fused Ret S891A mutant (unknown origin) expressed in mouse BAF3 cells assessed as suppression of phosphorylation of PLCgamma at Y783 at 0.01 to 10 uM after 1 hr by Western blot analysis 26652860
BAF3 Function assay 0.01 to 10 uM 1 hr Inhibition of TEL-fused Ret S891A mutant (unknown origin) expressed in mouse BAF3 cells assessed as suppression of phosphorylation of Shc at Y317 at 0.01 to 10 uM after 1 hr by Western blot analysis 26652860
TT Function assay 1 to 10 uM 4 hrs Inhibition of RET C634W mutant in human TT cells assessed as suppression of PLCgamma phosphorylation at Y783 at 1 to 10 uM after 4 hrs by Western blot analysis 26652860
TT Function assay 1 to 10 uM 4 hrs Inhibition of RET C634W mutant in human TT cells assessed as suppression of ERK phosphorylation at T202/Y204 at 1 to 10 uM after 4 hrs by Western blot analysis 26652860
TT Function assay 1 to 10 uM 4 hrs Inhibition of RET C634W mutant in human TT cells assessed as suppression of AKT phosphorylation at T308/S473 at 1 to 10 uM after 4 hrs by Western blot analysis 26652860
TT Function assay 1 uM Inhibition of Ret-driven oncogenic transformation of human TT cells at 1 uM by soft agar assay 26652860
TT Function assay 1 uM 4 hrs Inhibition of autophosphorylation of RET C634W mutant at Y1062 in human TT cells at 1 uM after 4 hrs by Western blot analysis 26652860
TT Apoptosis assay 1 uM 96 hrs Induction of apoptosis in human TT cells expressing Ret C634W mutant at 1 uM after 96 hrs by annexinV/PI staining-based flow cytometric analysis 26652860
PC3 Function assay 1 to 3 hrs Inhibition of c-Met phosphorylation in human PC3 cells incubated for 1 to 3 hrs, IC50 = 1.9 μM. 26717201
MDA-MB-231 Function assay 1 to 3 hrs Inhibition of AXL phosphorylation in human MDA-MB-231 cells incubated for 1 to 3 hrs, IC50 = 5 μM. 26717201
BAF3 Function assay 1 to 3 hrs Inhibition of FLT3 (unknown origin) phosphorylation transfected in mouse BAF3 cells incubated for 1 to 3 hrs, IC50 = 7.5 μM. 26717201
MDA-MB-231 Function assay 1 to 3 hrs Inhibition of KIT (unknown origin) phosphorylation transfected in human MDA-MB-231 cells incubated for 1 to 3 hrs, IC50 = 42 μM. 26717201
BA/F3 Function assay 48 hrs Inhibition of KDR (unknown origin) expressed in mouse BA/F3 cells assessed as reduction in cell viability after 48 hrs by Cell titre glo-based luminescence assay, IC50 = 0.014 μM. 26874741
Sf21 Function assay 15 mins Inhibition of recombinant His-tagged human KDR expressed in insect Sf21 cells preincubated for 15 mins followed by substrate addition measured after 20 mins by HTRF assay, IC50 = 0.016 μM. 26874741
BA/F3 Function assay 48 hrs Inhibition of KIF5B/RET (unknown origin) expressed in mouse BA/F3 cells assessed as reduction in cell viability after 48 hrs by Cell titre glo-based luminescence assay, IC50 = 0.19 μM. 26874741
BA/F3 Function assay 48 hrs Inhibition of KIF5B/RET (unknown origin) expressed in mouse BA/F3 cells assessed as reduction in cell viability after 48 hrs by Cell titre glo-based luminescence assay, IC50 = 0.19 μM. 26874741
BA/F3 Antiproliferative assay 72 hrs Antiproliferative activity against mouse BA/F3 cells expressing TPR-Met after 72 hrs by CCK8 assay, IC50 = 0.0219 μM. 27068889
Sf21 Function assay 60 mins Inhibition of wild type N-terminal GST-tagged recombinant human RET (658 residues) expressed in insect Sf21 cells using poly(Glu,Tyr)4:1 as substrate incubated for 60 mins by ELISA, IC50 = 0.003 μM. 27131066
Sf21 Function assay 60 mins Inhibition of N-terminal GST-tagged recombinant human RET V804M mutant (658 residues) expressed in insect Sf21 cells using poly(Glu,Tyr)4:1 as substrate incubated for 60 mins by ELISA, IC50 = 0.811 μM. 27131066
BaF3 Function assay 72 hrs Inhibition of CCDC6-RET (unknown origin) expressed in mouse BaF3 cells assessed as inhibition of cell proliferation after 72 hrs by SRB/CCK-8 assay, IC50 = 0.889 μM. 27131066
BaF3 Function assay 72 hrs Inhibition of CCDC6-RET (unknown origin) expressed in mouse BaF3 cells assessed as inhibition of cell proliferation after 72 hrs by SRB/CCK-8 assay, IC50 = 0.889 μM. 27131066
Ba/F3 Function assay Inhibition of RET (unknown origin) transfected in mouse Ba/F3 cells assessed as reduction in cell viability by CellTiter-Glo luminescence assay, GI50 = 0.07 μM. 27814560
TT Function assay Inhibition of RET C634W mutant in human TT cells assessed as reduction in cell viability by CellTiter-Glo luminescence assay, GI50 = 0.26 μM. 27814560
Ba/F3 Function assay Inhibition of RET V804M mutant (unknown origin) transfected in mouse Ba/F3 cells assessed as reduction in cell viability by CellTiter-Glo luminescence assay, GI50 = 0.74 μM. 27814560
Nthy-ori 3-1 Cytotoxicity assay Cytotoxicity against human Nthy-ori 3-1 cells assessed as reduction in cell viability by CellTiter-Glo luminescence assay, GI50 = 2.92 μM. 27814560
HepG2 Antiproliferative assay 72 hrs Antiproliferative activity against human HepG2 cells after 72 hrs by MTT assay, IC50 = 0.012 μM. 28412159
EBC1 Antiproliferative assay 72 hrs Antiproliferative activity against human EBC1 cells after 72 hrs by MTT assay, IC50 = 0.0514 μM. 28412159
H1299 Growth inhibition assay 72 hrs Growth inhibition of human H1299 cells incubated for 72 hrs by CCK8 assay, IC50 = 1.919 μM. 28651979
MCF7 Growth inhibition assay 72 hrs Growth inhibition of human MCF7 cells incubated for 72 hrs by CCK8 assay, IC50 = 2.889 μM. 28651979
A549 Growth inhibition assay 72 hrs Growth inhibition of human A549 cells incubated for 72 hrs by CCK8 assay, IC50 = 4.205 μM. 28651979
T47D Growth inhibition assay 72 hrs Growth inhibition of human T47D cells incubated for 72 hrs by CCK8 assay, IC50 = 4.448 μM. 28651979
H460 Growth inhibition assay 72 hrs Growth inhibition of human H460 cells incubated for 72 hrs by CCK8 assay, IC50 = 5.669 μM. 28651979
HuH7 Antiproliferative assay 48 hrs Antiproliferative activity against human HuH7 cells after 48 hrs by MTT assay, IC50 = 4.348 μM. 29057042
A498 Antiproliferative assay 48 hrs Antiproliferative activity against human A498 cells after 48 hrs by MTT assay, IC50 = 8.456 μM. 29057042
NCI-H727 Antiproliferative assay 48 hrs Antiproliferative activity against human NCI-H727 cells after 48 hrs by MTT assay, IC50 = 14.01 μM. 29057042
BAF3 Antiproliferative assay 72 hrs Antiproliferative activity against mouse BAF3 cells harboring TRP-MET after 72 hrs by CCK-8 assay, IC50 = 0.024 μM. 29146452
A549 Cytotoxicity assay 10 uM 72 hrs Cytotoxicity against human A549 cells at 10 uM after 72 hrs by Incucyte live-cell imaging analysis 29407963
A673 qHTS assay qHTS of pediatric cancer cell lines to identify multiple opportunities for drug repurposing: Primary screen for A673 cells 29435139
DAOY qHTS assay qHTS of pediatric cancer cell lines to identify multiple opportunities for drug repurposing: Primary screen for DAOY cells 29435139
Saos-2 qHTS assay qHTS of pediatric cancer cell lines to identify multiple opportunities for drug repurposing: Primary screen for Saos-2 cells 29435139
BT-37 qHTS assay qHTS of pediatric cancer cell lines to identify multiple opportunities for drug repurposing: Primary screen for BT-37 cells 29435139
RD qHTS assay qHTS of pediatric cancer cell lines to identify multiple opportunities for drug repurposing: Primary screen for RD cells 29435139
SK-N-SH qHTS assay qHTS of pediatric cancer cell lines to identify multiple opportunities for drug repurposing: Primary screen for SK-N-SH cells 29435139
BT-12 qHTS assay qHTS of pediatric cancer cell lines to identify multiple opportunities for drug repurposing: Primary screen for BT-12 cells 29435139
NB1643 qHTS assay qHTS of pediatric cancer cell lines to identify multiple opportunities for drug repurposing: Primary screen for NB1643 cells 29435139
OHS-50 qHTS assay qHTS of pediatric cancer cell lines to identify multiple opportunities for drug repurposing: Primary screen for OHS-50 cells 29435139
Rh41 qHTS assay qHTS of pediatric cancer cell lines to identify multiple opportunities for drug repurposing: Primary screen for Rh41 cells 29435139
A673 qHTS assay qHTS of pediatric cancer cell lines to identify multiple opportunities for drug repurposing: Confirmatory screen for A673 cells) 29435139
U-2 OS qHTS assay qHTS of pediatric cancer cell lines to identify multiple opportunities for drug repurposing: Confirmatory screen for U-2 OS cells 29435139
OHS-50 qHTS assay qHTS of pediatric cancer cell lines to identify multiple opportunities for drug repurposing: Confirmatory screen for OHS-50 cells 29435139
Rh41 qHTS assay qHTS of pediatric cancer cell lines to identify multiple opportunities for drug repurposing: Confirmatory screen for Rh41 cells 29435139
SJ-GBM2 qHTS assay qHTS of pediatric cancer cell lines to identify multiple opportunities for drug repurposing: Primary screen for SJ-GBM2 cells 29435139
SK-N-MC qHTS assay qHTS of pediatric cancer cell lines to identify multiple opportunities for drug repurposing: Primary screen for SK-N-MC cells 29435139
NB-EBc1 qHTS assay qHTS of pediatric cancer cell lines to identify multiple opportunities for drug repurposing: Primary screen for NB-EBc1 cells 29435139
LAN-5 qHTS assay qHTS of pediatric cancer cell lines to identify multiple opportunities for drug repurposing: Primary screen for LAN-5 cells 29435139
Rh18 qHTS assay qHTS of pediatric cancer cell lines to identify multiple opportunities for drug repurposing: Primary screen for Rh18 cells 29435139
SJ-GBM2 qHTS assay qHTS of pediatric cancer cell lines to identify multiple opportunities for drug repurposing: Confirmatory screen for SJ-GBM2 cells 29435139
TC32 qHTS assay qHTS of pediatric cancer cell lines to identify multiple opportunities for drug repurposing: Confirmatory screen for TC32 cells 29435139
Saos-2 qHTS assay qHTS of pediatric cancer cell lines to identify multiple opportunities for drug repurposing: Confirmatory screen for Saos-2 cells 29435139
EBC1 Antiproliferative assay 72 hrs Antiproliferative activity against human EBC1 cells after 72 hrs by MTT assay, IC50 = 0.0048 μM. 30248654
MKN45 Antiproliferative assay 72 hrs Antiproliferative activity against human MKN45 cells after 72 hrs by MTT assay, IC50 = 0.0069 μM. 30248654
SNU5 Antiproliferative assay 72 hrs Antiproliferative activity against human SNU5 cells after 72 hrs by MTT assay, IC50 = 0.0121 μM. 30248654
BAF3 Function assay 72 hrs Inhibition of TPR-tagged met (unknown origin) expressed in mouse BAF3 cells assessed as inhibition of cell proliferation after 72 hrs by MTT assay, IC50 = 0.01986 μM. 30248654
NCI-H460 Antiproliferative assay 72 hrs Antiproliferative activity against human NCI-H460 cells after 72 hrs by MTT assay, IC50 = 0.0401 μM. 30248654
MGHU3 Antiproliferative assay 72 hrs Antiproliferative activity against human MGHU3 cells after 72 hrs by CellTiter-Glo assay 30309671
RT112 Antiproliferative assay 72 hrs Antiproliferative activity against human RT112 cells after 72 hrs by CellTiter-Glo assay 30309671
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Biological Activity

Description Cabozantinib (XL184) is a potent VEGFR2 inhibitor with IC50 of 0.035 nM and also inhibits c-Met, Ret, Kit, Flt-1/3/4, Tie2, and AXL with IC50 of 1.3 nM, 4 nM, 4.6 nM, 12 nM/11.3 nM/6 nM, 14.3 nM and 7 nM in cell-free assays, respectively. Cabozantinib induces PUMA-dependent apoptosis in colon cancer cells via AKT/GSK-3β/NF-κB signaling pathway.
(Cell-free assay)
c-Met [1]
(Cell-free assay)
Axl [1]
(Cell-free assay)
0.035 nM 1.3 nM 7 nM
In vitro
In vitro XL184 has weak inhibitory activity against RON and PDGFRβ with IC50 of 124 nM and 234 nM, respectivey, and has low activity against FGFR1 with IC50 of 5.294 μM. [1] XL184 at low concentration (0.1-0.5 μM) is sufficient to induce marked inhibition of constitutive and inducible Met phosphorylation and its resultant downstream signaling in MPNST cells, and inhibit HGF-induced MPNST cell migration and invasion. XL184 also induces marked inhibition of Met and VEGFR2 phosphorylation in cytokine-stimulated human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). Although XL-184 has no significant effect on MPNST cell growth at 0.1 μM, XL184 at 5-10 μM significantly inhibits the MPNST cell growth. [2]
Cell Research Cell lines ST88-14, STS26T, and MPNST724
Concentrations Dissolved in DMSO, final concentrations ~10 μM
Incubation Time 48 hours

Cells are exposed to various concentrations of XL184 for 48 hours. Cell growth is determined by MTS assays using CellTiter96 Aqueous Non-Radioactive Cell Proliferation Assay kit. Absorbance is measured at a wavelength of 490 nm, and the absorbance values of treated cells are presented as a percentage of the absorbance of untreated cells.

Experimental Result Images Methods Biomarkers Images PMID
Western blot p-MET(Y1234/1235) / MET / p-EGFR(Y1068) / EGFR / p-Gab1(Y627) / Gab1 / p-AKT(S473) / p-ERK / p-EIF4E p-MET / p-ERK / p-AKT 29188469
Immunofluorescence α-tubulin 29520051
Growth inhibition assay Cell viability 23661005
In Vivo
In vivo XL184 treatment at 30 mg/kg in RIP-Tag2 mice with spontaneous pancreatic islet tumors disrupts 83% of the tumor vasculature, reduces pericytes and empty basement membrane sleeves, causes widespread intratumoral hypoxia and extensive tumor cell apoptosis, and slows regrowth of the tumor vasculature after drug withdrawal, more significantly compared with XL999 that blocks VEGFR but not c-Met, leading to only 43% reduction in vascularity, suggesting that concurrent inhibition of VEGFR and other functionally relevant receptor tyrosine kinases (RTK) amplifies angiogenesis inhibition. XL184 also decreases invasiveness of primary tumors and reduces metastasis. [1] XL184 at 30 mg/kg/day significantly abrogates human MPNST xenografts growth and metastasis in SCID mice. [2] Administration of XL184 induces dose-dependent inhibition of tumor growth in breast, lung, and glioma tumor models, in association with decreased tumor and endothelial cell proliferation as well as increased apoptosis. A single oral dose of XL184 is sufficient to induce sustained tumor growth inhibition in MDA-MB-231 tumor-bearing mice and C6 tumor-bearing rats at 100 mg/kg and 10 mg/kg, respectively. [3]
Animal Research Animal Models RIP-Tag2 transgenic mice in a C57BL/6 background with spontaneous pancreatic islet tumors
Dosages ~60 mg/kg
Administration Oral gavage
NCT Number Recruitment Conditions Sponsor/Collaborators Start Date Phases
NCT06156410 Recruiting
Ewing Sarcoma|Osteosarcoma
Children''s Hospital of Philadelphia|Children''s Hospital Colorado|Exelixis|Alex''s Lemonade Stand Foundation
October 24 2023 Phase 1
NCT05249114 Active not recruiting
Neuroendocrine Tumors
Providence Health & Services|Exelixis|Advanced Accelerator Applications SA
December 28 2022 Phase 1
NCT05444933 Completed
Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma
September 16 2022 --

Chemical Information & Solubility

Molecular Weight 501.51 Formula


CAS No. 849217-68-1 SDF Download Cabozantinib (XL184) SDF
Smiles COC1=CC2=C(C=CN=C2C=C1OC)OC3=CC=C(C=C3)NC(=O)C4(CC4)C(=O)NC5=CC=C(C=C5)F
Storage (From the date of receipt)

In vitro

DMSO : 100 mg/mL ( (199.39 mM) Moisture-absorbing DMSO reduces solubility. Please use fresh DMSO.)

Water : Insoluble

Ethanol : Insoluble

Molecular Weight Calculator

In vivo

Add solvents to the product individually and in order.

In vivo Formulation Calculator

Preparing Stock Solutions

Molarity Calculator

Mass Concentration Volume Molecular Weight

In vivo Formulation Calculator (Clear solution)

Step 1: Enter information below (Recommended: An additional animal making an allowance for loss during the experiment)

mg/kg g μL

Step 2: Enter the in vivo formulation (This is only the calculator, not formulation. Please contact us first if there is no in vivo formulation at the solubility Section.)

% DMSO % % Tween 80 % ddH2O

Calculation results:

Working concentration: mg/ml;

Method for preparing DMSO master liquid: mg drug pre-dissolved in μL DMSO ( Master liquid concentration mg/mL, Please contact us first if the concentration exceeds the DMSO solubility of the batch of drug. )

Method for preparing in vivo formulation: Take μL DMSO master liquid, next addμL PEG300, mix and clarify, next addμL Tween 80, mix and clarify, next add μL ddH2O, mix and clarify.

Method for preparing in vivo formulation: Take μL DMSO master liquid, next add μL Corn oil, mix and clarify.

Note: 1. Please make sure the liquid is clear before adding the next solvent.
2. Be sure to add the solvent(s) in order. You must ensure that the solution obtained, in the previous addition, is a clear solution before proceeding to add the next solvent. Physical methods such
as vortex, ultrasound or hot water bath can be used to aid dissolving.

Tech Support

Answers to questions you may have can be found in the inhibitor handling instructions. Topics include how to prepare stock solutions, how to store inhibitors, and issues that need special attention for cell-based assays and animal experiments.

Handling Instructions

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