Anti-mouse CTLA-4 (CD152)-InVivo

Catalog No.A2103       

       Clone No.9H10


Anti-mouse CTLA-4 (CD152) antibody (Clone:9H10) reacts with mouse CTLA-4 (cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen-4) also known as CD152. Anti-mouse CTLA-4 (CD152) antibody has been shown to promote T cell co-stimulation by blocking CTLA-4 binding to the B7 co-receptors, allowing for CD28 binding.

Technical Data

Formulation PBS buffer, pH 7.0
Molecular Weight 150 kDa
Clone 9H10
Immunogen Mouse CTLA-4-human IgG1 fusion protein
Isotype Syrian hamster IgG
Application in vivo/vitro CTLA-4 neutralization, FCM,WB
(From the date of receipt)
Store the undiluted solution at 4°C in the dark to avoid freeze-thaw cycles
Purification Protein G
Sterility 0.2 μM filtered

Selleck's Anti-mouse CTLA-4 (CD152)-InVivo has been cited by 1 publication

N-terminal acetylation of transcription factor LIP induces immune therapy resistance via suppression of PD-L1 expression in non-small cell lung cancer [ J Immunother Cancer, 2024, 12(11)e009905] PubMed: 39615895


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