Adalimumab (anti-TNF-alpha)

Catalog No.A2010       


Technical Data

CAS No. 331731-18-1
Formulation 100 mM Pro, 20 mM Arg, pH 5.0
Isotype Human IgG1
Source CHO cells
(From the date of receipt)
Store the undiluted solution at 4°C in the dark to avoid freeze-thaw cycles

Biological Activity

Description Adalimumab (anti-TNF-alpha) is the first fully human, recombinant IgG1 monoclonal antibody that specifically targets human TNF-alpha, MW: 144.19 KD.
TNF-α [1]
In vitro

Adalimumab treatment alters the secretion of cytokines.[1]

In vivo

We injected adalimumab intraductally into the MG of adult mice;this was found to stimulate BSC multipotency.[2]

Protocol (Only for Reference)

Cell Assay:
  • Fa2N-4 cells were co-cultivated (CC) with monocyte derived macrophages (MDMs) for 24 h. Physiological (15%) and pro-inflammatory (50%) MDM-to-Fa2N-4 ratios were used. All measured cytokine concentrations were related to the corresponding control (fold change) to analyse (A) the IL-8 neutralising antibody (αIL-8, 100 ng/ml) specific effect and (B) the TNF-α neutralising effect of Adalimumab.

Animal Study:
  • Animal Models: K5CreER, K8rtTA, TetO-DTA mice
    Dosages: 0.15 mg
    Administration: i.d.

Selleck's Adalimumab (anti-TNF-alpha) has been cited by 15 publications

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Autoimmunity in Down's syndrome via cytokines, CD4 T cells and CD11c+ B cells [ Nature, 2023, 615(7951):305-314] PubMed: 36813963
Autoimmunity in Down's syndrome via cytokines, CD4 T cells and CD11c+ B cells [ Nature, 2023, 615(7951):305-314] PubMed: 36813963
Autoimmunity in Down's syndrome via cytokines, CD4 T cells and CD11c+ B cells [ Nature, 2023, 615(7951):305-314] PubMed: 36813963
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Identification of hub necroptosis-related lncRNAs for prognosis prediction of esophageal carcinoma [ Aging (Albany NY), 2023, 15(11):4794-4819] PubMed: 37263709
Characterization and optimization of variability in a human colonic epithelium culture model [ bioRxiv, 2023, 2023.09.22.559007] PubMed: 37790345
Characterization and optimization of variability in a human colonic epithelium culture model [ bioRxiv, 2023, 2023.09.22.559007] PubMed: 37790345
Tumor necrosis factor alpha delivers exogenous inflammation-related microRNAs to recipient cells with functional targeting capabilities [ Mol Ther, 2022, S1525-0016(22)00418-X] PubMed: 35791880
Novel indirect co-culture of immortalised hepatocytes with monocyte derived macrophages is characterised by pro-inflammatory cytokine networks [ Toxicol In Vitro, 2021, 73:105134] PubMed: 33662514


Specific storage and handling information for each product is indicated on the product datasheet. Most Selleck products are stable under the recommended conditions. Products are sometimes shipped at a temperature that differs from the recommended storage temperature. Short-term storage of many products are stable in the short-term at temperatures that differ from that required for long-term storage.
We ensure that the product is shipped under conditions that will maintain the quality of the reagents. Upon receipt of the product, follow the storage recommendations on the product data sheet.