Synonyms: Z-VAD(OMe)-FMK

Z-VAD-FMK (Z-VAD(OMe)-FMK) is a cell-permeable, irreversible pan-caspase inhibitor, blocks all features of apoptosis in THP.1 and Jurkat T-cells.

Z-VAD-FMK Chemical Structure

Z-VAD-FMK Chemical Structure

CAS No. 187389-52-2

Purity & Quality Control

Products often used together with Z-VAD-FMK


Z-VAD-FMK and Necrostatin-1 protect NP cells from compression-induced death and restore mitochondrial function.

Chen S, et al. Biomed Res Int. 2020 Dec 8;2020:6976317.

Fer-1 (Ferrostatin-1)

Z-VAD-FMK and Ferrostatin-1 treatment attenuates the loss of synaptic proteins and restore cognitive function in both hippocampal-dependent and hippocampal-independent manners in iron-overloaded rats.

Sripetchwandee J, et al. Life Sci. 2023 Jan 15;313:121269.

Y-27632 2HCl

Z-VAD-FMK and Y-27632 2HCl block membrane blebbing and nucleus condensation induced by H2O2 in PC12 cells.

Wang Y, et al. Front Mol Neurosci. 2017 Mar 14;10:75.

3-MA (3-Methyladenine)

Z-VAD-FMK diminishes dehydrocostus lactone (DHL)-induced autophagy, whereas 3-methyladenine (3-MA) has no effect on dehydrocostus lactone (DHL)-induced apoptosis.

Peng Y, et al. Food Chem Toxicol. 2022 Dec;170:113453.


Erastin treatment in combination with Z-VAD-FMK does not block erastin-induced cell death in HS578T/MDAMB231 cells.

Che C, et al. Cell Death Dis. 2022 Feb 14;13(2):150.

Z-VAD-FMK Related Products

Signaling Pathway

Cell Data

Cell Lines Assay Type Concentration Incubation Time Formulation Activity Description PMID
Molt-3  Apoptosis Assay 50μM 2h reduces melatonin-induced apoptosis 23725013
Jurkat Cell Viability Assay 100-200μM 24h inhibits HaA4 induces apoptosis dependent of concentration  23732481
T98G Cell Viability Assay 1-100μM 24h improves cell viability cotreatment with TS 23769275
RKO Cell Viability Assay 10 μM 24h inhibits the decrease of cell viability caused by DAB 23758064
Ec-109 Apoptosis Assay 10 μM 48h represses PE-mediated Ec-109 cell apoptosis 23782641
HL-60 Apoptosis Assay 50µM 4h blocks the cleavage of caspase-3, -9, and PARP induced by 6s 23804706
U251 Apoptosis Assay 20μM 24h inhibits casticin induced G2/M phase arrest and apoptosis 23816816
HeLa  Apoptosis Assay 20μM 2h inhibits DMMP induced apoptosis 23863966
HL-60 Apoptosis Assay 100μM 24h inhibits apoptosis induced by abietane diterpenes  23865778
K562 Apoptosis Assay 20μM 48h inhibits apoptosis induced by 4-MU 23876826
THP-1  Apoptosis Assay 10-50μM 2h inhibits apoptosis induced by triptolide 23900299
CAL27 Apoptosis Assay 10 μM 2h suppresses Cur-NPs-reduced viability by up to 90% 23917396
COS-7  Function Assay 50µM 24h affects the processing of ATN1s with polyQ tracts 23933208
Jurkat Cell Viability Assay 25-100μM 6h inhibits z-FA-CMK-induced cell death 23933532
A431  Kinase Assay 40μM 2h blocks fisetin-induced cleavage of caspases and PARP 23800058
RAW264.7  Apoptosis Assay 10 μM 24h decreases the apoptosis induced by GA 23820203
Jurkat Cell Viability Assay 2μM 4h reverses growth inhibition and β-catenin decrease by HS-ASA 23896061
L929 Apoptosis Assay 1.25–5 μM  24h augments TNFα-induced necroptosis and autophagy 23941769
HL-60 Apoptosis Assay 50µM 1h DMSO inhibits apoptosis induced by BA145 23948751
CNE2 Apoptosis Assay 20μM 48h blocks LK-A-induced apoptosis 23985029
CNE1 Apoptosis Assay 20μM 48h blocks LK-A-induced apoptosis 23985029
IM-9 B Apoptosis Assay 20μM 2h DMSO blocks anti-CD80 and anti-CD86 antibody-induced apoptosis 24008628
EBV-transformed B cells Apoptosis Assay 20μM 2h DMSO blocks anti-CD80 and anti-CD86 antibody-induced apoptosis 24008628
MG-63 Apoptosis Assay 40μM 24h blocks the increased cleavage of caspase-3 and PARP induced by BBMD3  24025361
G292 Apoptosis Assay 40μM 24h blocks the increased cleavage of caspase-3 and PARP induced by BBMD3  24025361
KHOS  Apoptosis Assay 40μM 24h blocks the increased cleavage of caspase-3 and PARP induced by BBMD3  24025361
Nalm-6  Apoptosis Assay 20μM 4h inhibits caspase-8 and caspase-3 activation and PARP-1 cleavage 24039967
BGC-823 Apoptosis Assay 10 μM 24h reduces tetrandrine-induced apoptosis  24098511
UM-SCC-10A  Apoptosis Assay 50µM 2h reduces apoptosis induced by high-dose isoalantolactone 24098753
A549  Apoptosis Assay 2.5μM 24h decreases oridonin-induced autophagy as well and Loss of Δψm also occurred during autophagic process 24102522
RAW 264.7 Apoptosis Assay 20μM 18h increases LC3-II/β-actin ratio compared to ECTV-MOS treatment only 24116707
SCCVII  Apoptosis Assay 25μM 1h inhibits the cell killing after 24126464
HeLa  Apoptosis Assay 10/20μM 24h inhibits the activity of the majority of the members of the caspase-family 24137266
SH-SY5Y  Apoptosis Assay 10μM 24h attenuates caspase activation and cell death induced by HNE-2DG 24145463
UD29a Apoptosis Assay 50μM 24h inhibits the cell death caused by NUT3 24190574
RPE Apoptosis Assay 100μM 48h partially inhibits the calpain-1 and -2 activation as well as the caspase activation 24202052
OS  Apoptosis Assay 20μM 4h inhibits the cell death caused by PDT 24204937
4T1 Cell Viability Assay 2.5-10μM 4h DMSO rescues the cytotoxicity of 4T1 cells induced by SPDT in a concentration dependent manner 24206161
HEC-1B Apoptosis Assay 20μM 1h reduces TP-induced apoptosis caspase-3 and caspase-9 24213358
RKO-HIPK2i Apoptosis Assay 40μM 6h inhibits apoptosis induced by chemotherapy plus ZnCl2 24228232
 U373  Apoptosis Assay 40μM 6h inhibits apoptosis induced by chemotherapy plus ZnCl2 24228232
ADF Apoptosis Assay 40μM 6h inhibits apoptosis induced by chemotherapy plus ZnCl2 24228232
MCC-2 Apoptosis Assay 20 μM 6h DMSO blocks induced by staurosporine apoptosis cell death 24262658
A549  Apoptosis Assay 100μM 48h suppresses the apoptosis caused by piperine  24272201
5637 Apoptosis Assay 20μM 1h reverses CM-induced cell death 24282433
MB49 Apoptosis Assay 20μM 1h reverses CM-induced cell death 24282433
PDL fibroblasts Kinase Assay 80μM  1h inhibits Caspase-3 activity  24314135
fetal rat lung fibroblasts  Kinase Assay 80μM  1h inhibits Caspase-3 activity  24314135
 HepG2  Apoptosis Assay 10μM 24h reduces vimentin cleavage caused by LPS 24325816
 KB Apoptosis Assay 50μM 24h inhibits Lico-A-induced caspase-3 and PARP activation 24337492
podocytes Apoptosis Assay 200μM 6h inhibits apoptosis induced by 3,4-DGE 24337777
HaCaT  Apoptosis Assay 100μM 1h blunts UVB-induced apoptosis in HaCaT cells 24356997
k1735 Apoptosis Assay 20 μm 4h inhibits Salmonella-induced apoptosis 24451116
SGC-7901 Apoptosis Assay 10μM 24h promotes the CGII-inhibited cell growth in SGC-7901 cells 24454488
CLL Apoptosis Assay 25μM 1h partially blocks MLN2238-induced cell apoptosis 24467634
Caki-1 Apoptosis Assay 20μM 1h inhibits SCP-induced apoptosis 24504681
MIA-PaCa-2 Apoptosis Assay 24h blocks cleavage of caspase-3 induced by both A-443654 and paclitaxel 24510992
A549 Apoptosis Assay 5μM 24h suppresses 6e (BK10040)-induced apoptosis  24529871
HT-29  Apoptosis Assay 50μM 48h blocks the apoptosis induced by kaempferol 24549175
 BV-2 Apoptosis Assay 20μM 2h suppresses UV-induced chromatin extrusion and dilation of the nuclear envelope 24558118
A549 Apoptosis Assay 50µM 2h DMSO prevents the hypodiploid DNA content phase induced by cephalochromin 24588135
HDPC Apoptosis Assay 50µM 24h inhibits NO-induced apoptosis 24634593
A375 Apoptosis Assay 20μM 24h reverses dicitrinone B-induced apoptosis 24699111
L02 Apoptosis Assay 20μM 1h prevents the cell apoptosis induced by MEHP 24706461
HCT116 Apoptosis Assay 20μM 24h inhibits the cell apoptotic induced by YLT205 24713812
IEC-6  Apoptosis Assay 10μM 24h prevents TcdA-induced caspase-3 cleavage and β-catenin degradation 24711571
HeLa  Apoptosis Assay 100μM 24h suppresses rate of cell death induced by overexpression of G59S or G71R p150glued  24722468
HeLa  Apoptosis Assay 50μM 72h DMSO prevents apoptosis induced by compounds 1–5 24754786
T cell Cell proliferation assay 0-100μM 72h IC50=70 μM, inhibits anti-CD3-induced T cell proliferation in PBMCs 24768707
U937  necroptosis Assay 10 μM 30 min induces necroptosis combine with TNF 24773756
LCC9  Cell Viability Assay 100μM 5d blocks cell death induced by combination L17 and 24785256
AGS  Apoptosis Assay 20μM 12h DMSO reduces the induction of apoptosis in response to the EtOAc fraction in a dose-dependent manner 24789703
macrophage Cell Viability Assay 0-200μM 24h induces TNF- and Rip3-dependent necroptosis in macrophage 24799565
Caco-2 Apoptosis Assay 40 μM 4h prevents ST-7-induced ZO-1 changes and TER drop 24822183
SNU449  Apoptosis Assay 20μM 48h DMSO decreases miR-451-induced apoptotic 24841638
LOVO Apoptosis Assay 10 µM 1h DMSO restrains cell apoptosis induced by plus 24874286
SW1116  Apoptosis Assay 10 µM 1h DMSO restrains cell apoptosis induced by plus 24874286
HCT116 Apoptosis Assay 20μM 24h abrogates of TQ-induced apoptosi 24890449
P815  Apoptosis Assay 100 µM 12h DMSO inhibits virus-induced apoptosis 24923273
THP-1  Apoptosis Assay 10μM 1h reduces apoptosis induced by ALA-SDT  24923653
HeLa  Apoptosis Assay 40μM 24h inhibits the increased apoptosis induced by siRNF121 24928685
AGS Apoptosis Assay 50μM 24h abolishs β-lapachone-induced cell death and inhibited growth 25009698
C6 Apoptosis Assay 50μM 48h prevents the loss of cell viability caused by pregnenolone 25013479
MM.1S  Apoptosis Assay 100μM 1h efficiently prevents sorafenib-induced cell death combine with necrostatin-1 25037851
H929  Apoptosis Assay 100μM 1h partially blocks cell death caused by necrostatin-1 25037851
U266  Apoptosis Assay 100μM 1h partially blocks cell death caused by necrostatin-1 25037851
RPMI 8226 Apoptosis Assay 100μM 1h almost completely blocks cell death caused by necrostatin-1 25037851
IMR-32 Apoptosis Assay 40 μM  2h decrease in apoptotic cells compared to T-2 toxin 25084755
K562 Apoptosis Assay 0.1-1μM 1h inhibits cleavage of HSP90 in a dose-dependent manner 25119188
Jurkat Apoptosis Assay 20μM 24h DMSO partially inhibit cell death of Jurkat cells induced by 10058-F4 combined with VPA  25120723
Ebs Apoptosis Assay 10-100μM 24h  MMTS generation rate decreased as the concentration of z-VAD.fmk increased 25134817
EA.hy926 Apoptosis Assay 10μM 2h  inhibits apoptosis and facilitates autophagy in DENV2-infected EA.hy926 25138703
HUVECs Apoptosis Assay 10μM 2h  inhibits apoptosis and facilitates autophagy in DENV2-infected HUVECs 25138703
OS Apoptosis Assay 20/40μM 72h inhibits OS cell viability reduction by C6 ceramide 25152399
MCF-7 Apoptosis Assay 20μM 2h decreases KDR-siRNA-induced apoptosis 25182240
A549 Apoptosis Assay 10μM 3h reduces cell apoptosis caused by PQQ 25161699
L929 Apoptosis Assay 10μM 6h induces necroptosis with TNF 25195660
K562 Apoptosis Assay 50μM 4h inhibits Jac-A-induced cell apoptosis 25241619
H9c2 Apoptosis Assay 50μM 1h inhibits DOX-induced caspase 3 activation but not the loss of cells 25283819
769-P Apoptosis Assay 40μM 48h reduces the number of Annexin V-positive cells 25279191
Caki-1  Apoptosis Assay 40μM 48h reduces the number of Annexin V-positive cells 25279191
 NBL-W-S  Apoptosis Assay 50μM 1h fully rescues cell viability after GANT-61 treatment 25323222
A549 Apoptosis Assay 2.5-25μM 1h decreases the population of apoptotic cells depend on concentrations 25342427
A549 Apoptosis Assay 50μM 24h reverses ribosome biogenesis and apoptosis caused by Chijongdan 25349781
A375 Apoptosis Assay 30μM 2h prevents the drug-induced PARP cleavage 25376115
COS7 Apoptosis Assay 10μM 48h partially prevented FC101-induced cell death 25384025
COS7 Kinase Assay 10μM 24h increases caspase 3/7 activities 25384025
Cytotoxicity Assay Cell Viability Assay 20μM 48h prevent MHMD-induced cell death 25392116
L929-N Cytotoxicity Assay 20 μM 24h enhances death via autocrine TNFα production 25398540
L929-A  Cytotoxicity Assay 20 μM 24h inhibits TNFα-induced cell death 25398540
Primary hepatocytes  Apoptosis Assay 50μM 18h inhibits apoptosis of hepatocytes induced by Act D and TNF-α 25407538
INS-1 Apoptosis Assay 50μM 6h DMSO decreases the proportion of early apoptotic cells  25430897
A549  Apoptosis Assay 10μM 24h blocks DMAS-induced cleavage of caspase-3 and PARP and apoptotic cell death 25434989
AGS Apoptosis Assay 10μM 1h prevents curcumin-induced cleavage of caspase-3, -8, and -9 proteins 25492214
HL-60 Cytotoxicity Assay 100μM 1h DMSO  improves viability of TCNAs-treated cells 25502932
MKN28 Apoptosis Assay 10μM 30min DMSO inhibits TNF-α plus CHX-induced apoptosis 25513960
MDA-MB-231 Cytotoxicity Assay 10μM 1h augments cell death after CHUA treatment 25521501
DLD1 Apoptosis Assay 20 μM 1h partly reverses cell apoptosis caused by WSP1 25524246
MM Apoptosis Assay 50μM 20min partly inhibits SHK-induced cell death 25530098
Primary human placental cytotrophoblasts Apoptosis Assay 30μM 24h DMSO reverses the inhibition of 11β-HSD2 by triclosan  25642592
Neocortical Neuron Neurotoxicity Assay 100μM 1h antagonizes Hoiamide A-Induced Neurotoxicity 25675001
U87 Growth Inhibition Assay 50μM 1h recovers cell growth from TMZ treatment 25681668
A549 Apoptosis Assay 10 μM 24h DMSO promotes HBC-treated A549 cell survival & attenuates the cleaved PARP expression 25683568
MCF-7 Apoptosis Assay 10μM 2h inhibits the cell death induced by 3B 25722114
SGC-7901 Apoptosis Assay 20 μM 1h inhibits the cell death induced by oxaliplatin 25767076
HeLa Apoptosis Assay 10μM 48h declines the rate of apoptosis dramatically 25772545
A549 Apoptosis Assay 20 μM 24h reduces cell death caused by HFCP treatment 25794149
GC1a Apoptosis Assay 50μM 24h indicates a protective effect against 26169075
HGL5 Apoptosis Assay 50μM 24h indicates a protective effect against 26169075
HepG2 Apoptosis Assay 20μM 1h attenuated the apoptotic induction of III-10  26164795
BEL-7402 Apoptosis Assay 20μM 1h attenuated the apoptotic induction of III-10  26164795
CEF Kinase Assay 0,33,67,100μM 15min down-regulates PR enzyme activity to 40% at 100μM 26102339
SP2/0 Apoptosis Assay 100μM 1h DMSO blocks the apoptosis of SP2/0 cells 26074732
HUVEC-2c Apoptosis Assay 50μM 6h decreased the ox-LDL-induced autophagy 26021729
U1 Apoptosis Assay 0-100μM 2h reduces drug-induced apoptosis and subsequent HIV-1 replication in a dose-dependent manner 25980942
ACH-2 Apoptosis Assay 0-200μM 2h reduces drug-induced apoptosis and subsequent HIV-1 replication in a dose-dependent manner 25980942
U1 Kinase Assay 100μM 2h inhibits caspase-3 25980942
A549/V16 Apoptosis Assay 50μM 1h represses TG/TM-induced apoptosis 25946033
SGN Apoptosis Assay 20mM 48h has no influence on AIF, calpain expression or cell apoptosis 25874633
HCT116  Apoptosis Assay 50μM 2h inhibits the cell death induced by DDVP 25868818
DTK-SME Apoptosis Assay 50μM 2h DMSO partially inhibits the apoptosis induced by bupivacaine 25843897
HL-60 Apoptosis Assay 50μM 48h reduces cell death caused by SKI-II treatment  25824043
U937 Apoptosis Assay 50μM 48h reduces cell death caused by SKI-II treatment  25824043
hMSC12 Apoptosis Assay 100μM 4d inhibits osteogenic culture-induced cell death and calcification 23657822
HM7  Apoptosis Assay 20μM  1h blocks apicularen A acetate-induced caspase-3 activation and PARP cleavage 23583412
Hep-2  Apoptosis Assay 20μM  24h DMSO alleviates the decrease of cell viability induced by silibinin 23580032
HSCs Apoptosis Assay 50μM 24h DMSO inhibits nilotinib-induced DNA damage indicated by PARP cleavage 23499874
HL-60  Cytotoxicity Assay 20μM  24h reduces the cytotoxic effect of Ery5 23494480
HA Apoptosis Assay 50μM 24h suppresses the cleavage of PARP and caspase-3, -7, and -9 induced by 23475956
C666-1 Apoptosis Assay 50μM 24h suppresses the cleavage of PARP and caspase-3, -7, and -9 induced by 23475956
Hepa1-6 Apoptosis Assay 50μM 2h inhibits curcumin and resveratrol-induced apoptosis 23446753
PLC/PRF/5c Apoptosis Assay 50μM 1h prevents apoptosis triggered by CIN 23438824
HCT116 Apoptosis Assay 100μM 1.5h inhibits Os-induced cell death 23744353
HCEC Function Assay 50μM 72h DMSO restores of the normal HCEC phenotype 23742011
Primary rat cerebral cortical neurons Apoptosis Assay 100μM 1h prevents Cd-induced apoptosis and cell death 23741317
MDA-MB-231  Apoptosis Assay 25μM 24h abrogates cytotoxicity and cleavage of caspase-3 and PARP induced by Rg3 25337544
NLRP3-Tet-on-MC/9  Apoptosis Assay 10-40μM 12h attenuates the cell death caused by CAPS-associated NLRP3 mutants in the Tet-on system 23703389
KNS42  Apoptosis Assay 50μM 1h reduces cell death and completely abolished caspase 3/7 activity in response to ABT-263/2DG/ combination 23691145
MCF-7  Apoptosis Assay 20μM  72h inhibits equol- and 4-OHT-mediated apoptosis 23675643
hCMEC/D3  Apoptosis Assay 25μM 72h reduces LtxA induced apoptosis 23665198
Jurkat Apoptosis Assay 12.5-50μM 1h dose dependently suppresses SPH-induced Par-4 cleavage, PARP cleavage, DNA fragmentation, and loss of viability 23442976
CNE-1 Apoptosis Assay 20μM  24h inhibits RAD001-induced cell death 23426850
HONE-1 Apoptosis Assay 20μM  24h inhibits RAD001-induced cell death 23426850
astrocytes cell Apoptosis Assay 40μM 6h reduces early apoptosis induced by staurosporine 23411778
U-937 Apoptosis Assay 10μM 30min prevents TNF-induced necroptosis 23410748
MDA-MB-231 Apoptosis Assay 100μM 1h inhibits sensitization to TRAIL upon MTDH down-regulation 23408429
HeLa  Apoptosis Assay 100μM 2h blocks JRS-15 Induces Apoptotic Cell Death 23344045
Ec109 Apoptosis Assay 10μM 6h blocks apoptotic combination of Tat-SmacN7 and radiation 23338568
H460  Apoptosis Assay 10μM 6h blocks apoptotic combination of Tat-SmacN7 and radiation 23338568
HeLa  Apoptosis Assay 50μM 1.5h abrogates Chlamydia-induced apoptosis 23303804
SK-HEP1 Apoptosis Assay 100μM 1h inhibits CrT1 activated caspase-3, -7, -8, -9, and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 23302650
QGY7701 Apoptosis Assay 25μM 1.5h inhibits accumulation of sub-G1 phase induced by DOX + quercetin 23240061
HepG2 Apoptosis Assay 20μM 30min inhibits the enhanced cell death by combined treatment of apigenin and TRAIL 23224239
U87  Apoptosis Assay 25μM 2h decreases isoliquiritigenin (ISL)-induced apoptotic cell death, but not necrotic cell death 23229626
HSC-2 Apoptosis Assay 25/50μM 1h inhibits SN-38-induced cytotoxicity 23155248
HSC-4 Apoptosis Assay 25/50μM 1h inhibits SN-38-induced cytotoxicity 23155248
CL-1 Apoptosis Assay 20μM 1h blocks OP449 induced cell death 23131782
MEL Apoptosis Assay 20μM 24h DMSO impaires P2X7-induced MEL cell apoptosis 23014887
Bel-7402  Caspase Activation Assay 50μM 2h inhibits PCE-induced anoikis 23008742
Eca-109 Apoptosis Assay 25μM 30min inhibits BJ-B11-induced cell death 23076967
MEL Apoptosis Assay 20μM 1h DMSO impaires P2X7-induced MEL cell apoptosis 23014887
Bel-7402  Apoptosis Assay 50μM 2h inhibits PCE-induced anoikis 23008742
L929 Function Assay 2.5μM 1h increases RIP1 expression and exacerbated TNFα-induced mitochondrial dysfunction and ROS production 23000518
RCC  Cell Viability Assay 100μM 24h recoveres the viability of cells exposed to 15d-PGJ2 22991494
NB2a/d1 Apoptosis Assay 100μM 72h attenuates staurosporine-induced caspase activity, PARP, and tau cleavage 22988541
T cell Growth Inhibition Assay 25-100μM 24h dose-dependently inhibited T cell proliferation mediated through the co-stimulation with anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 22982538
K562 Apoptosis Assay 100μM 1h blocks Abnobaviscum F-induced apoptosis 22972372
Jurkat  Apoptosis Assay 40μM 1h abolishes FasL-induced caspase activation and cell death 22942738
BGC-823 Apoptosis Assay 100μM 1h partially rescues cells against damage of daidzein 22926545
Hep3B Apoptosis Assay 50μM 1h blocks apoptosis induced by HEGCs 22923154
LLC-PK1 Apoptosis Assay 20μM 1h prevents degradation of Atg5, beclin-1, and Atg12 proteins 22896037
A549 Apoptosis Assay 50μM 1h blocks the BAI-induced apoptosis  22887215
SGC-7901  Apoptosis Assay 10μM 24h inhibits β,β-dimethylacrylshikonin-induced apoptosis  22848597
DM6 Apoptosis Assay 100μM 72h blocks both E2F-1 and E2Ftr-mediated cytotoxicity 22825328
MCF-7, MDA-MB-468, Caco-2 Growth Inhibition Assay 50μM 48h inhibits the cell growth inhibition induced by saponin 22800968
A2750  Apoptosis Assay 20μM 2h DMSO blocks caspase cleavage during helenalin treatment and reduces autophagic cell death 22784363
U87  Apoptosis Assay 20μM 24h reduces the apoptosis rate induced by PLAB 22778780
HT1080 Growth Inhibition Assay 50μM 7d inhibits the cell growth inhibition caused by combined treatment of DCA and OMP 22740984
A549  Apoptosis Assay 50μM 2h partially decreases sodium selenite-induced apoptosis 22721804
Primary OPC Apoptosis Assay 1μM 6h/24h reduces the percentage of cells in early- and late-apoptosis/necrosis 22707385
PMNs Apoptosis Assay 40μM 6h DMSO reversed the amount of cleaved caspase-3 to near vehicle levels 22692577
A549  Apoptosis Assay 50μM 1h prevents apoptosis induced by Baohuoside I 22687635
AGS Apoptosis Assay 20μM 12h inhibits the activation of pro-caspase-3 in response to the EtOAc fraction 22687398
shC9  Apoptosis Assay 10μM 16h blunts SHH expression in shC9 cells exposed to either PA or LPC 22641094
primary MEFs Function Assay 12h  increases mitochondrial membrane depolarization 22613767
3T9 MEFs Function Assay 16h increases cytochrome c release after 22613767
3T9 MEFs Function Assay 18h upregulates initiator caspase-9 but downregulates effector caspases after treatment 22613767
MDA-MB-231  Apoptosis Assay 20μM 4d reduces the cell apoptosis induced by treatment was significantly 22593441
C6  Apoptosis Assay 10μM 24h blocks the suppressive effect of the peptide on viability 22588980
HL-60  Apoptosis Assay 100μM 24h inhibits the cell apoptosis selected (+)-menthyl β-(1→6)-diglucopyranoside 5 22546669
HL-60 Apoptosis Assay 10-80μM 4h inhibits TGHQ-induced cell apoptosis  22523229
BCC Apoptosis Assay 50μM 1h inhibits DATS-mediated growth inhibition 22519436
RAW 264.7 Apoptosis Assay 50/100μM 1h concentration-dependent inhibits DON-induced rRNA cleavage 22491426
K562 Apoptosis Assay 25μM 2h prevents apoptosis induced by co-treatment with amurensin G and TRAIL 22483777
SGC-7901 Apoptosis Assay 20 μM  2h attenuates H2O2 or TNF α-induced cell apoptosis as well as caspase-3 activity  22471589
PC3 Apoptosis Assay 10μM 4h counters flavocoxid-induced caspase-related apoptosis 22471974
SMMC-7721 Apoptosis Assay 50μM 48h attenuates oTR-induced apoptosis 22465833
HeLa  Apoptosis Assay 50 μM 4/8h inhibits STS-induced late-phase apoptotic events 22460504
HeLa  Apoptosis Assay 50 μM 1h suppresses the FRAP-induced accumulation of annexin V positive cells 22449440
T47D  Apoptosis Assay 100μM 1h blocks the generation of E-cad/CTF2 by STS 22401168
HeLa  Apoptosis Assay 30μM 4h  increases the general cell viability 48 h after photodynamic treatment  22394248
HCC Apoptosis Assay 20 μM  2h attenuates the DHA induced activation of PARP 22342732
mESCs Apoptosis Assay 2.5μM 2h inhibits the NaF-mediated caspase activation 22285274
EMT-6  Cytotoxicity Assay 100μM 1h partially blocked cell death induced by siramesine 22251921
MCF7 Apoptosis Assay 50 μM 1h inhibits PA activated caspase-3, -9, and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 22223345
K562 Apoptosis Assay 20 μM  48h DMSO blocks inhibition of viability and apoptosis induction 22216158
Molt4-hyg Apoptosis Assay 10μM 0.5h blocks farnesol-induced caspase-3-like activity 26275811
HeLa Apoptosis Assay 10μM 0.5h inhibits apoptosis induced by the combined treatment with gomisin N and TRAIL 22179661
Jurkat T Apoptosis Assay 30μM 0.5h DMSO blocks the ziram-induced apoptosis 22159898
Neutrophil Apoptosis Assay 20μM 0.5h attenuates the pro-apoptotic effect of MaR1 26196844
HCT116 Apoptosis Assay 50 μM 2h reverses synergistic apoptosis effects of and NPC-16  22159752
MDA-MB-231  Apoptosis Assay 2.5-7.5μM 2h inhibits the cell death of MDA-MB-231 cells induced by SDT in a concentration dependent manner 22115526
LNCaP Apoptosis Assay 40μM 2h inhibits butein induced cell apoptosis 22114764
MB231 Apoptosis Assay 100μM 1h DMSO abrogates the induction of cell death by WEE1 inhibition, TRAIL treatment, and the combination 22112940
HCC38  Apoptosis Assay 100μM 1h DMSO abrogates the induction of cell death by WEE1 inhibition, TRAIL treatment, and the combination 22112940
MDA-MB231 Apoptosis Assay 50 μM 24h DMSO abrogates curcumin-induced cell death 22101335
LNCaP Apoptosis Assay 50 μM 24h DMSO abrogates curcumin-induced cell death 22101335
HCT116 Apoptosis Assay 50 μM 24h DMSO abrogates curcumin-induced cell death 22101335
Ishikawa  Apoptosis Assay 25μM 24h reduces cell death and apoptosis induced by Baf A1 22088918
 YD-8  Apoptosis Assay 100μM 1h inhibits PLEO-induced apoptosis 22086183
eosinophil  Apoptosis Assay 90μM 24h inhibits apoptosis induced by Fas antibody  22079334
L929 Growth Inhibition Assay 2.5μM 24h inhibits the expression of p-p38 and NF-κB to augment TNFα-induced necroptosis and autophagy 22027097
YD-8  Apoptosis Assay 100μM 1h blocks the GS-HCl-induced apoptosis 22020078
HBx Apoptosis Assay 25μM 48h DMSO reduced cell death induced by 3-MA 22020078
U937  Apoptosis Assay 50 μM 1h inhibits HF-induced apoptosis  21998731
HL60 Apoptosis Assay 40μM 40min DMSO blocks BNDC compounds induce exposure of phosphatidylserine and DNA fragmentation 21983296
M-14 Apoptosis Assay 25μM 0.5h  inhibits both the crude extract- and compound-induced apoptosis 21954959
SK-BR-3 Apoptosis Assay 50 μM 2h blocks apoptotic DNA fragmentation induced by combination of SM-164 and radiation 21901386
MDA-MB-468 Apoptosis Assay 50 μM 2h blocks apoptotic DNA fragmentation induced by combination of SM-164 and radiation 21901386
Click to View More Cell Line Experimental Data

Biological Activity

Description Z-VAD-FMK (Z-VAD(OMe)-FMK) is a cell-permeable, irreversible pan-caspase inhibitor, blocks all features of apoptosis in THP.1 and Jurkat T-cells.
Features A key compound for apoptosis studies.
Pan-caspase [1]
(THP.1, Jurkat T-cells)
In vitro
In vitro

Z-VAD-FMK (10 μM) inhibits apoptosis in THP.1 cells. Z-VAD-FMK (10 μM) inhibits activation of PARP protease activity in control THP.1 cell lysates. Z-VAD-FMK (10 μM) inhibits the processing of CPP32 in intact THP.1 and Jurkat cells. [1] Z-VAD-FMK (50 μM) cotreatment abolishes the apoptotic morphology of camptothecin-treated HL60 cells. Z-VAD-FMK (50 μM) blocks camptothecin-induced DNA fragmentation in HL60 cells. [2] Z-VAD-FMK (50 μM) inhibits cell death following dSMN dsRNA-induced apoptosis in S2 cells. Z-VAD-FMK (50 μM) increases the percentage of transfected cells surviving from 26% to 63% in S2 cells. [3] Z-VAD-FMK (> 100 μM) enhances TNFα-induced neutrophil apoptosis, lower concentrations (1-30 μM) completely blocks TNFα-stimulated apoptosis in human neutrophils. [4] Z-VAD-FMK (10 mM) inhibits apoptosis in anterior stromal keratocytes. Z-VAD-FMK (10 mM) inhibits apoptosis in anterior stromal keratocytes detected with the TUNEL assay. [5]

Cell Research Cell lines human granulosa cell lines (GC1a, HGL5, COV434)
Concentrations 50 μM
Incubation Time 48 h

To validate the efficacy of Z-VAD-FMK, three human granulosa cell lines (GC1a, HGL5, COV434) were treated for 48 h under normoxic conditions. To mimic the ischemic phase that occurs after ovarian fragment transplantation, cells were cultured without serum under hypoxia (1 % O2) and treated with Z-VAD-FMK. The metabolic activity of the cells was evaluated by WST-1 assay. Cell viability was determined by FACS analyses. The expression of apoptosis-related molecules was assessed by RT-qPCR and Western blot analyses.

Experimental Result Images Methods Biomarkers Images PMID
Western blot IRF-1 / p-STAT1 / cleaved PARP1 / cleaved-caspase3 Beclin1 / Atg5 / Atg7 / LC-3I / LC-3II p23 / Hsp90 / hTRET / MMP2 cyto C 27191889
Growth inhibition assay Cell viability 12522090
Immunofluorescence cytochrome c Smac/DIABLO Endo G AIF 11726499
ELISA IL-1β 26254306
In Vivo
In vivo

In vivo Z-VAD-FMK administration has been shown previously to be nontoxic and to prevent apoptosis in animal models. Intraperitoneal HK-GBS injection leads to preterm delivery, and pretreatment with Z-VAD-FMK delays preterm delivery in mice. In OVA-sensitized mice,treatment of z-VAD-fmk inhibits allergen-induced leukocyte infiltration. Systemic injection of the pan-caspase inhibitor z-VAD-fmk immediately before OVA challenge reduced inflammatory cell accumulation, mucus hypersecretion, and Th2 cytokine release in OVA-sensitized/challenged mice. Treatment with z-VAD-fmk blocked terminal differentiation of lens epithelial cells and keratinocytes, the differentiation of monocytes into macrophages, and the differentiation of erythroid progenitors. z-VAD-fmk attenuated allergen-induced airway inflammation and hyperreactivity. Treatment with z-VAD-fmk in vivo also prevented subsequent T cell activation ex vivo[7].

Animal Research Animal Models CD1 mice
Dosages 10 mg/kg
Administration i.p.

Chemical Information & Solubility

Molecular Weight 467.49 Formula


CAS No. 187389-52-2 SDF Download Z-VAD-FMK SDF
Smiles CC(C)C(C(=O)NC(C)C(=O)NC(CC(=O)OC)C(=O)CF)NC(=O)OCC1=CC=CC=C1
Storage (From the date of receipt)

In vitro

DMSO : 93 mg/mL ( (198.93 mM) Moisture-absorbing DMSO reduces solubility. Please use fresh DMSO.)

Ethanol : 2 mg/mL

Water : Insoluble

Molecular Weight Calculator

In vivo

Add solvents to the product individually and in order.

In vivo Formulation Calculator

Preparing Stock Solutions

Molarity Calculator

Mass Concentration Volume Molecular Weight

In vivo Formulation Calculator (Clear solution)

Step 1: Enter information below (Recommended: An additional animal making an allowance for loss during the experiment)

mg/kg g μL

Step 2: Enter the in vivo formulation (This is only the calculator, not formulation. Please contact us first if there is no in vivo formulation at the solubility Section.)

% DMSO % % Tween 80 % ddH2O

Calculation results:

Working concentration: mg/ml;

Method for preparing DMSO master liquid: mg drug pre-dissolved in μL DMSO ( Master liquid concentration mg/mL, Please contact us first if the concentration exceeds the DMSO solubility of the batch of drug. )

Method for preparing in vivo formulation: Take μL DMSO master liquid, next addμL PEG300, mix and clarify, next addμL Tween 80, mix and clarify, next add μL ddH2O, mix and clarify.

Method for preparing in vivo formulation: Take μL DMSO master liquid, next add μL Corn oil, mix and clarify.

Note: 1. Please make sure the liquid is clear before adding the next solvent.
2. Be sure to add the solvent(s) in order. You must ensure that the solution obtained, in the previous addition, is a clear solution before proceeding to add the next solvent. Physical methods such
as vortex, ultrasound or hot water bath can be used to aid dissolving.

Tech Support

Answers to questions you may have can be found in the inhibitor handling instructions. Topics include how to prepare stock solutions, how to store inhibitors, and issues that need special attention for cell-based assays and animal experiments.

Handling Instructions

Tel: +1-832-582-8158 Ext:3
If you have any other enquiries, please leave a message.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1:
Can you suggest an in vivo formulation of S7023 for animal studies?

For in vivo study of S7023, The IP formulation is 2% DMSO+35 % PEG 300+2% Tween 80+ddH2O up to 6 mg/ml. The gavage formula is 1%CMC-Na up to 30 mg/ml (suspensions).

Question 2:
What is difference between S7023 & S8102?

Unlike S7023, S8102 does not require pretreatment with esterase for in vitro studies. This information was cited from the article: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16973565.

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